5 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
I'm not one for bumper stickers, but this one is hilarious!
Here from Michele's
now here's an idea for energy saving!
here from michele's
(still thinking on my favorite sticker...i'll be back)
The one I have on my car: "Save the environment. Plant Bush back in Texas"
Oh that it were to come true!
I love bumper stickers but they're not much seen on the west coast of the USA, unfortunately. Here in Boston, we're big on political ones. I've got several on my car, including the ubiquitous "I'm ProChoice and I Vote".
Cars CAN be powered by Methane Gas. I swear, my kids could power a bus on their farts.
Hello, Michele sent me.
That's too funny. Must have one (bumber sticker, not the other thing)
I would have to say that my favorite would have to be the old SOUTH OF THE BORDER stickers. And they only cost 1 cent!
Last Girl On Earth
LOVE THIS!!! Very Funny, and oh how wonderful it would be!
Here from Michele, Carmi, once again!
I bet it draws some double takes!
I like my own bumper sticker: When Jesus said love your enemy, he probably meant don't kill them.
Geek Wives Annoymous
Founding Member
did i mention greetings from michele? i think i forgot to!
I wish it were possible to power my car by fart gas; some days I could go all the way to California and back!!
Carmi, get your own word cloud at
Visualize Whirled Peas
Now, that brings new meaning to hybrid transportation! But, truthfully, do you think that would be any better for the ozone than what we already flood it with? I'm thinking NOT!
HA! Thanks for the laugh and for the visit earlier!
Ooops, I didn't mean to put that other "dot" in there, Carmi. It is - and you may have already discovered that!
Michele sentme back tonight!
My favorite one is probably too "edgy" to post I wouldn't want to offend anyone. But it sure does fit my warped sense of humor! :-)
Nothing's too edgy for this blog, Lisa. Feel free to share to your heart's content.
lol... well okay, but read no further if you have delicate sensibilities!
I don't know if you all remember but back in the 70's and 80's there were some bumper stickers that were all the rage that said "God is my co-pilot".
A month or so ago I saw one that said, "God was my co-pilot... Until we crashed in the Andes and I had to eat him."
See? No one should even laugh at that... LOL... but I did!!
*LMAO* If I could harness the stink my honey and the two boys create, I could drive my F-250 all the time.
Hmmmmm favorite stickers.....
Save a calf, rope an activist.
Annoy a liberal... Work hard and be happy.
I love my country, it's the government I'm afraid of.
I Post Therefore I Am
(although I also love Shane's, and Lisa's too)
Don't let "W" see that. As all American's are addicted to oil, he might try to power cars that way...lordy that couldn't be good for he environment!
~wink wink~
BTW...this time I'm here on my own :)
I can't think of my favoriate right now. I'm too being laughing over this one.
Well, not to be violent, but my favorite bumper sticker says: "My Kid Beat Up Your Honor Student." Mostly because I've always hated those honor student stickers. I can't even imagine telling my friends if my kids were honor students, let alone plastering it all over my car.
As my daughter would say: Whatever!
Funny page. Remember awhile back when every bumper sticker was "I {heart} my {pet breed}"? With the red heart and a nice outline of the breed?
I was in P-Town Massachusetts (a hoot!) and saw stickers that were just cartoon screws. The instructions given showed how one could replace someone else's {heart} with a {screw}.
I never saw it done, but can you imagine? It's like the earlier post, don't you feel bad for even laughing?
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