5 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
Oh Carmi.
The sights you could see, soaring over earth, going anywhere, and everywhere... That would be something,its always good for you to IMAGINE....
That's a great photo, I've never seen a picture of a seagull that was so nice. Certainly beats the real thing. They drive us insane here!
yes... i would love to know what it's like to be a bird... or better yet a duck... you can swim, fly and walk!!!!
Of course it makes sense, but if I were a bird, I would prefer to be something a bit more fancy - like an eagle - LOL. makes sense. Beautiful sense.
Check out my blog for some seagull pics. They are HUGE in San Francisco!
it would be beautiful!
wonder if such pondering was how Jonathan Livingston Seagull was written
Yes. To Fly.... but after too long... it becomes old hat... and the seagull wishes it was bipedal and sentient.
It makes lovely sense. And I think you might enjoy reading Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Perhaps even reading it to your children, though I'm not sure how old/mature they are.
I love the idea of seagulls. When I sit and watch the water on my lunch hour, I always like to see them flying in the distance. However, they are not that beautiful close up. No matter how hungry you are, they will try to steal the last bit of your sandwhich. No matter how much you try to avoid them at the beach, they will find you. You will have to duck into a pay bathroom in Florence if they manage to tag you. Ahh, seagulls,I do not like them but I do like your picture. You really captured the idea of flight and escape in that photograph. Maybe I will give seagulls a second chance. :)
it never ceases to amaze me...what you manage to capture in a single moment of time.
once again, i am in awe.
a picture very very nice!
I said it before and I say it again. The mass media is political and more political than the real politicians.
...another of God's beautiful creation.
A nice day to you!
I know how you feel on this one. After telling me that she would like to come back as a cat if she were reincarnated, my daughter asked me what I would like to come back as. Without hesitation I chose a bird. What freedom!
My daughter's response? "OK, Mommy, but I might have to eat you."
Photos and real life encounters like this always make me think of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Great photograph and yes it does make sense. I was born and spent the first ten years of my life in a small town in England on the North See called Whitby. To this day, hearing and seeing seagulls makes me feel like I'm home again.
It makes sense to me. I think we all dream of being free.
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