5 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
I would say no to that! Not my values, anyway.
AWESOME post, Carmi. A picture really does say a thousand words.
i say yes... good ole USA and McDonald's...they go hand in hand...
Wonderful picture! I know that's what we're known for with the youth in Europe. Everyone equates us with McDonalds!
and congrats on being quoted so many times in one day!
I'm here alot, but tonight it's via Michele's.
oh...and please come by my blog and help me grovel ok? I need some help spreading the word...
Great picture! Sadly, it is so true for many.
I don't care for McDonalds much myself, but I'm afraid your caption for that picture is probably true
I'm loving it.
Here from Michele's.
Nothing is more american than a burger and fries, though I like my burgers from anywhere but McDonald's.
Here via Michele's :)
I try to keep away from that place! (MaccyD's, not Michele's!)
Ha! Great juxtipositiona and title. I just came from Kenju's and she's eating Chick fa lay. (I don't eat it or know how to spell it.)
Just like Lisa, I also don't go for McDonalds.
Have a great weekend Carmi!
Makes me glad I'm English. Which doesn't often happen, so thanks for that!
For me, it's not McDonalds but Starbucks. We Americans are a highly-caffeinated people. I'm amazed at how many kids I see ordering mochas, etc.
It's funny but when I was a kid, McD's was not a everyday kinda thing but my son has grown up with it.
Burger and fries? Yes...not probably not from McDonald's! MD is skimping out on pickles in the quarter pounder...and I prefer rto have onions and lettuce on my burger....
I'm more of a Burger King man myself! :-)
I love that you got those two things in one picture!!!
I will allow myself to indulge in fast food on occasion, but not with anywhere near the frequency that a lot of Americans do. After seeing Super Size Me, it was difficult for me to eat anything from McDonald's for a long time. Obesity is an American epidemic and one that must be stopped!
Michele sent me today. Man, totally wrong for McDonalds to "fly" above the flag. :(
I'd agree with the caption for most- however not my family. :)
so true... heh heh heh
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