Our youngest son graduated from nursery today. Watching him sit on the stage with his friends and knowing this was the last time we would be part of the comfortable world of this lovely little nursery school was a bittersweet experience for my wife and me. We'll miss it.
I took lots of pictures, but pictures don't capture sentiment as well as we would like.
Speaking of pictures, childhood milestones always come with lots of them. In this case, he presented us with a large, colorful envelope filled with examples of his artwork from the past year. One of the things the teachers asked him to do was to draw one picture of his family at the beginning of the year, and another at the end. The operative goal was to show how he and the people he loved grew over the course of the school year.
The first picture included all of us, as well as our cat, Shadow. The second one did not, as we had to put him down in March (see here, here, here, and here for some original postings.) In seeing the two pictures side-by-side, it occurred to me that this was his way of illustrating that he had accepted the fact that his cat had died. For all our worrying at the time that our kids would have such difficulty with losing a pet, I was glad to see today - albeit with a small lump in my throat - that our son had shown us it was OK to move on.
Another milestone. Another chunk of proof that our child is growing in more ways than we can initially fathom.
I thought now might be a nice opportunity to post a picture of our gato. Check his thumbs.
Your turn: How do your kids show you that they're wise beyond their years?
11 hours ago
This may seem silly but my youngest suprised both me and Derek tonight when she told us the full name of the first singer at Codys graduation. Hours after we had been there. The reason she remembered her name: she really like the quiet strength of the young womans voice.My daughter is 8 going on 50 evidently.
I forgot almost. I am sorry to hear that your cat had to be put down. Great thumbs on him! Did you have a problem with him hitch hiking? Sorry, figured it has been long enough that I could slip in a little humor.:)
ahhh. Sweet kitty picture. I know it's hard to lose a faithful pet!
Our little girl just flat out tells us she's older now and not a baby anymore! But my son, He wants to stay little forever. If only I could make it so!
My little one has type 1 diabetes, and the way he handles that and all of its attendant aggravations is a constant source of amazement to me. I know adults with chronic conditions who don't do it nearly as well.
This morning Michele sent me, but most days I come on my own.
Here via Michele today. My son has had to grow up awfully fast, as he lost his dad to cancer when he (my son) was only 8 years old. 18 months later he is finally able to talk about it, and even asked about his dad's ashes. That's a subject he hasn't been able to address at all.
Losing a pet is actually very good "practice" for dealing with death later in life. i wish my son had been able to learn that way, instead of losing a parent.
it touched me that you said he was leaving this lovely little preschool. that is really nice. my son just finished his first year of preschool and i'm glad it's over because i hated the main teacher and i would never call the school lovely. i hate that i ever let him go there but once i knew she was a bitch all the other schools were full and he really wanted to go. the other teacher is excellent tho and she was the only reason i let him stay.
congrats on the big graduation. must have been bittersweet.
here via michele today. she says hi and wants to know how you're doing, how is your weekend going?
Great site! Here via Michele.
My son is God. Even when I am putting him through H**l with my situation, he says he loves me and asks how I am doing every day. He is only 10 but he is more of a man than me. He is the only reason I live. I'll check back on you. There is a lot for me to learn.
All five of mine are adults now, ranging from 19-30. One has had to take in her significant other's ten year old brother as her own as the mother was killed.
Another, tolerated my 19 year interrupting his vacation when she and her boyfriend broke up. She'd treated her brother very badly but he was there for her. What suprised me was that no matter how much she'd done to him, he STILL ended the conversation with his sister who was in tears... with, "I love you." (In fact.. he's the one my post was about.. thank you for stopping by my sight)
Those milestones bring me to tears. My oldest "graduated" from the 8th grade this past week. I bawled like a baby when, at the end, they presented the Class of 2009. *sigh*
My children never cease to amaze me. My youngest daughter comes up with something that just awes me on a daily basis. Of course at this moment, I can think of no good example.
I always love to visit you!
Michele sent me again. :)
Sorry about your kitty - mine (well, DH's) are 13, 14, and 15. My girls haven't shown me their wisdom - yet. But its there. All I know is that I packed up their 3-6mos and 6-9 mos baby clothes and got a lump in my throat. With every little milestone, we have to admit to ourselves that they're growing up, yes? Here via Michele today!
Sniff! Hello from Michele (I think we met last weekend!) Your story of Shadow touched my heart...It really is sad when the life of a beloved pet comes to an end. Your kids sound great!
Oh Carmi, that is such a touching moment and realization that you captured so eloquently. Thank you for sharing it with us.
My daughter comes up with some of the most off the wall things .... I stand back thinking "when did my baby girl bacome a teenager?" She's just 7....
Anyway- Greetings form Michele!
What a sweet kitty; looks like mine must have when they were babies. I didn't get them until they were 4, so I'll never know.
Michele sent me.
I love your perspective on life ..It is really refreshing .Our daughter lost her hamster a few days after getting it for her birthday .It was playing in a hamster ball and a dog that her mom was babysitting broke the ball open and ate it ..lil one was traumatized by that .At night while saying her prayers she still prays for that lil hamster and it has been 4 months now ..I think she is kind of going through the grieving process so we let her be with that ...
Michele sent me this time but I love the place :)
My kids play parent by informing me that I'm hogging all the "turns" on the computer. Humbles me every time.
Kids are amazing and a lot smarter than we give them credit for.
I am here via Michele
Mine is 22 now, so I do expect a certain amount of maturity from him...but he has the tendency to show what he's really made of now and then. Without violating his privacy TOO much...At the risk of losing his place in the conservatory program he was in, he took a year off to take care of someone he cared deeply about. He put everything on hold to make sure this person was going to be ok. I respected that more than I can even tell him. He puts others before himself when it matters most...
What a wonderful post..and isn't it amazing how they teach us something all the time?
Keeps us young..and in a state of wonder, and I am all for that..
Here via Michele
Hello, Michele sent me
I have no children, but my chihuahua knows how to open Dorito's bags. I think this is pretty impressive for a creature which lacks opposable thumbs.
Also, forgive me, but I have to take a moment to boggle...they have graduations from nursery school ???
Hi! I'm here via Michele, She says hi.
My oldest graduated kindergarten this year. The ceremony was rained out in the beginning of it and my daughter said,"Well that was fun". it was amusing. they grow up so fast!.
My inlaws dog died last week. They had to have her put down.My son told me,"Momma, Lizzy is dead. She died." and that was the end of it. Then a few months ago the lady down the road lost her dog. My son found him dead in the woods. He went over to her house and told her,"Mrs Val, I found your dog. He's dead." She said his outlook, tone, and how he was over all was what made it easy on her. She said had it been anyone else she would have burst into tears. He has such a matter of fact way when it comes to death that he amazes me. (He is 4)He handles death better than Ive seen most adults handle it. And he knows death means they arent coming back.
Hello Michelle sent me...
Nice story...
It was touching to see our little guy up on the stage singing his songs.
I think it was bittersweet because it was only when Zach first started going to Gan Gani that we started to become involved within our community. London finally began to feel like home.
We have had 3 children in that school on and off since 1998.
When I saw the picture of Shadow in the first drawing and not in the second, it broke my heart.
Our children are so resilient. We are the ones who are not over it yet.
Clicked your name over at Grans on Bran and found this sweet story about a little guy and his graduation! Very touching!
My brother graduated Kindergarten two weeks after I had my first son. That was our first trip out for a social occasion. I learned a lot about all the paraphenalia a newborn needs just to go down the street to the school.
My mother had quite a mental adjustment to having a son and a grandson just 5 years apart in age.
I wonder if you are keeping all these stories somewhere special
( other than your blog ) that you can publish and give to your children when they grow up?
All these little glimpses of them as they grow up, i think, would be a perfect gift to them at some point, just because you ARE the best DAD on the planet!!
Happy fathers day
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