If I'm being brutally direct, all of this kinda bores me. Political machinations never really change. The arguments are always the same, and the players are almost universally shallow and incomplete human beings. They are hardly the role models I thought they were when I was a kid, so I don't think it's worth my while to actively memorize every word they say on the evening news.
Still, it's democracy. So it's important to still know what's going on.
So I took out my pen and thought I'd muse on the irony of a pre-election spending spree by the ruling party. It always seems to work that way: the checkbook comes out just before voters go to the polls. It's nothing more than a blatant way to steal votes through bribery. And history shows that it works.
Of course, that's all our money that's being spent. I thought readers might want a little additional perspective on this.
Darn, I've become cynical and jaded.
Payback at polls for spending spree
Published Thursday, November 24, 2005
The London Free Press
I’m thinking of sending Prime Minister Paul Martin a card to thank him for the wonderful gifts he’s decided to lavish on us this holiday season.
All the things I’ve been wishing for – including a fleet of Hercules transport planes to replace aircraft that should have been retired decades ago, compensation for native Canadians who were sexually abused in church-run residential schools, and support for grain farmers so they can better compete internationally – will finally be mine. It’ll be the best holiday season ever.
I know that as a taxpayer I am footing the bill for this pre-election largesse. I know that none of this spending might ever actually happen if the government is not re-elected. Politics is, after all, a game of smoke and mirrors. And what better way to bamboozle the electorate than to wave gobs of goodies under their noses.
Still, it’s the season of giving. Taxpayers will have ample opportunity to give back what’s been taken when they finally go to the polls.
Happy holidays, Paul.
How do you know when a Poilitician is Lying?
You can see his lips move
Michelle sent me :o)
Hi, Carmi, hope your weather gets better. This is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. I know you had yours a while back. Have a good day.
Michele sent me
But Carmi, everyone gets cynical and jaded when they get old!
nicely written article. Interesting blog.
I'm actually jealous that you have snow......I miss snow...I want snow....can you send me snow? ;) It is "cold" here in the South...but that's it. :(
Have a good one, my Canadian friend!
Here via Michele's!
Looks like you've been over at Michele's quite a bit today :).
Sometimes I think the ONLY thing politicians know how to do is spend other people's money, rather than actually solve problems. The trick is to figure out which person will spend less of your money on stupid projects, and then vote for them.
Good to see your government is almost as corrupt as ours. Unfortunately, the US government affects the whole world and so I think it's a bit worse. I just can't stand corruption, and I really am bullshit that congress just voted themselves another pay rise at the same time they are debiting the social services to pay for Katrina. Does this make sense to you?
happy american thanksgiving Carmi--from the land of pork barrels! Cyncism is alive and well everywhere--a few weeks ago I posted a piece on the upcoming Honduran elections--all my friends down there felt that both parties are corrupt...
Hi Carmi! Happy Thanksgiving! Here via Michele tonight!
Hi Carmi..Here rom Michele's today...Politics...I guess it's the same everywhere, isn't it. OY!!! I hope Canada does better than we did...in 2004!
Hi Carmi~Michele sent me this evening. Excellent article.
I think elections to public office should be like the ones we have for class President. Everyone gets to make one speech. Then we vote.
It's hard to age without becoming cynical and jaded ;-) Hi, Michele sent me!
Huzzah! I would have commented on this even if I wasn't from Michele's. Nice little rant you had going there.
I've just recently started gaining an interest in politics. It's funny how you mentioned the difference of Canadian politics now, compared to when you were a kid. I echoed siilar sentiments in a post just several days ago.
Anyway, damn good post.
Nothing wrong with a healthy sense of cynisism
Michelle sent me today
Hi Carmi, Michele sent me your way. Because I have been abroad so many years I have never been able to vote in my country and have never been entitled to vote as a foreigner where I have lived... And I am 40++...
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