Is this my best side?
Deerfield Beach, Florida, January 2007 [Click image to see Big Bird]
Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments about my most recent gull picture. You've encouraged me to upload this one.
I've loved this image from the first moment I viewed it on the camera's screen. The gull seems to be posing, almost waiting for me to take the shot. Never mind that he (she?) was flying in a fast-shifting formation of birds that had converged on a spot in the sand where some nearby 10-or-so-year-old boys had left some food in the sand. Somehow, my new bird buddy froze in the sky for just long enough for me to squeeze this one off.
I learned a number of lessons about action photography on this day: 3 frame/second continuous shooting is great for capturing motion but terrible for editing, continuous autofocus is the photographer's best friend (they move...the lens follows), always shoot birds as they fly into a stiff headwind, and sometimes you just need to forget the technical stuff and let your eye and your shutter finger do all the work.
This one's going in a frame. I can't resist.
Happy sigh.
Your turn: Do you agree that sometimes magic just happens?
I do agree magic happens and moreso then sometimes....I think perhaps we just forget to see it. This is a great image Carmi - I'd frame it too if I were you :)
Of course it does, Carmi, all the time. Not all of us are open to it, however. I am glad that you are.
Love the shot Carmi.
Yes, but more often if you are well-prepared for it. I love bird photos, but so far I've only got really good shots of the ones that sit still while I get really close - mainly shags (cormorants)
Just beautiful. I love the details and how the light works with the image. The bird has such a look of determination, just unique.
Is your next image going to be of Tippi Hendren in a green suit? It seems only appropriate.
I believe in magic. . . or something like it.
I really like this picture. i looked at your last one adn I must say I prefer this one. It looks like the gull is looking at you and you get a feeling of flight from looking at it.
Magic happens all the time. You see it when the sun rises, when people smile, in all things living. It's all around us.
Yep, I'd frame it too if it were mine. Lovely.
LOve the photo and loved catching up on past posts, I have been remis in my blog reading of late...its been a hectic time ....Felt good to just sit and read my favorite blogs...and be taken away from my own small stresses .....
Happy New Year to u and yours Carmi!!
Great shot! What camera are you using these days? I thought you mentioned it recently but my head is stuffed full of snot so it's difficult to retreive stuff.
Magic seems to happen in photography, Carmi. Oddly enough tho--it's often combined with a lot of work and patience. Still, when you see that special picture it seems like magic. You put in the work Carmi; you deserve the magic!
Michele sent me over to marvel at your magical gulls.
Magic does just happen. Absolutely.
And the photo is great. Even with the bird in motion, you've got great detail!
What a great bird shot!
I'll always believe in magic, tho some may define it differently.
(here from Michele's)
Oh..oops...Michele sent me today. She started the Meet & Greet early this week!
Here from Michele this time.
Do the gulls in Florida do like the gulls in Virginia? It seems they assume that whatever you are holding is food, even a camera. Ran into a group of them in a parking lot today... a cacophony of "mine-mine-mine".... They really are something. You've captured them so well.
i think magic happens all the time.
when we are not to busy chasing superfluous "things" we experience it. pity the one who never sees because he did not learn how or where to look.
your children are fortunate to have someone to teach them how to find the magic in everyday.
here from Michele
The angle position of the light is perfect! It deserves a frame-
I'm really jealous of your zoom capabilities... Ah someday I'll get a better cam- got Tons of gulls here as well-
Sometimes, it does. I tend to frame those as well.
Back again the more I read the more I enjoy ;)
Here Via Michele as if you didnt know ;)
Magic happens... then you come to the realization that the rabbit was in the hat all along. You spend the rest of your life trying to find magic again. You might have found some there.
here via michele again
yes, I agree, magic- when it comes to photography is my best friend! Sometimes it seems the only way I get a picture I really like.
I'm not a huge fan of seagulls but I remember seeing baby ones when I lived at the beach at age 20 & being entranced by them.
Yes, I do agree. Magic do happens. Magic in a snapshot or in a baby smile, in a landscape at sunrise, sunset or under the rain, in a moment shared with friends. I found your weblog when i read your sharp comment to someone who left a spam on your blog, as he did on mine, asking for an answer. To make money on the web. I didn't get he was doing this to every blog he could find... Just to make money. How naive from me ! Anyway, I just popped up to say "Hi", your Blog is quite poetic and nice, i like the tone (what's the english for "ton" ? Would it be "style" or something approaching... as you write for a living, too). From what i can read about your favorite films and music, I did not dare to put that much on mine but my tastes are very close. Bye, Have a good niht (I mean it's night time in France at the moment.) M.R.
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