Sunday, August 31, 2008

Caption This 86

Please caption this image
[Click here for instructions on how Caption This works]

Laval, QC, August 2008 [Click to enlarge]

The scene: I was on my way home from a quiet, early morning photo-walk. Crossing a bridge over one of the small tributaries that define this peaceful oasis within an otherwise busy suburb, I stopped to take in the scene by the water. As I leaned over the railing, I noticed this odd scene evolving below me. Didn't look like a dog...because it was a cat.

I have no words for this picture. I hope you do.

Your turn: Please come up with a funny or otherwise memorable caption for this photo. Enter as often as you wish. Pull in anyone you think might be amused by this weekly diversion. I'll announce the winner next week. For more background on how Caption This works, click here to go back to where it all began. As this is a water-themed photo, click here for this week's Thematic Photographic madness.

About last week's photo of my son in the grocery store: I never miss an opportunity to capture our kids with my camera. They're growing so fast that I feel I'll miss something if I don't keep the Nikon with me at all times. Even a ho hum trip to the grocery store is fertile photographic ground. Many of you got the zeitgeist of this week's photo, and I'm pleased to share the following Honorable Menschens:
  • Barb: "Pick me! Pick me!" (shades of Eddie Murphy's Donkey character in Shrek.)
  • Heidi: "Freedom of choice." (so poignant in this season of disputed Olympics and elections)
  • Robin: "As far as the aisle, can see." (No one does lyrical as well as Robin)
  • Awareness: "Kellogg Jungle." (Because that's exactly what this place is...a jungle)
  • Beverly: "But I don't see any that I like." (She must have been reading my son's mind)
  • Sara: "The pursuit of happiness." (Speaks to that bubble of childhood I often write about)
  • Anne: "Where's 'special Z'?" (Loved the commercial-flecked cynicism of this one)
  • Lissa: "Hmmmm...I wonder how much I can grab and put into this cart before they notice..." (Lissa's been shopping with me before. She knows)
Jacie takes it this week with "Sugar rush". Please drop by her blog to share a word or two of congratulations - and feel free to hang around and enjoy her delightful perspectives of motherhood in the UK. I suspect you'll be hooked.


Lifelong Learner said...

"Cat on a hot, tin....dock?"

Hello, Carmi. Still a fan, and still reading from afar!

Have a great day.

lissa said...

Okay, being in the silly almost-school-for-kids mood that I am, I thought this man needs a thought balloon:

"Who says I can't be a model? I've got my own catwalk!"

(*groans* sorry)

Thanks for the menschen - always fun to see my 15 pixels of fame!

Thumper said...

Doood, seriously? We get fresh fishies HERE???

Bobkat said...

LoL! My father actually has to take his cat for a walk every night. It used to accompany him and the dog and when the dog passed away the cat still wanted to walk!

Great pic. My effort:

I'm sure Noah had more luck rounding up the animals than I did!

Sara said...

"So, where exactly did you say you left the fish???"

Mojo said...

Once again Bob realized he'd been duped by the old "bait-and-switch" trick.

"I said 'sit'... or learn to swim quick."

"Stupid human... Surely you could find some place more suitable for a creature of my station."

"This is why pirates kept parrots."

"I knew it! You're not actually a Belgianese Fuschenhound at all are you. Are you?"

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

"Are you following me? Sigh. I thought I told you to stay in the car. When will you learn to listen?"

Jacie said...

Oh thanks so much Carmi a big thrill to win. Thanks also for your kind words about my blog I appreciate that so much. Your words always inspire us all to be kinder, more compassionate, more aware and also to have more fun so thank you also for that.

Anonymous said...

Hello carmi!
My captions are:

"Cat Over The River Koy."

"On Golden Paws."

"I Wish, I Wish, I Wish I Had a Fish!"

"The Incredible Mr. Limpet's Wish gone awry."

"Of Mice and Men."


Nestor Family said...

Thanks for the Honorable Menschen on last week's cereal safari!

Here's my go at this week:

"Wow! I said I wanted a fish, but never expected THIS!"


"Hey, Dad. Look at the one over here!" (It just looks so much like a father following a child with something to see!)

Fun photo, Carmi!

MamaCta! said...

Ok, I will give this a try:

"Cat: Man's best friend."

By the way, thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. You comment was so very kind. Reading your posts this week and looking at the photos has given me much needed inspiration. Not to mention put smiles on my face-especially this photo!

Anonymous said...

Superstitious Steve figured a white cat crossing his path would be good luck.

Sara said...

"yea i suppose we can fish together, what bait are you gonna use today?"

Sara said...

"yeah I guess we can fish together . . . btw what bait you usin today?"

Sara said...

"my cat nap was going so well till YOU showed up"

Sara said...

the game of simon says was going fine until they point where the human told the cat, "simon says go swimming"

Sara said...

"hardly room for both of us on here, he best be turning around soon" thought the cat

D.O.M. Dan said...

Fearless feline in search of Charlie Tuna

Treehugger said...

"Water, water everywhere...and not a drop to drink."

BreadBox said...

Schrodinger discovered that somehow fluffy had escaped the box.

sealaura said...

"Trust me...I know where I am going."

me said...

"Stay, Staay...Good COME!"

--Good one breadbox

Omykiss said...

Oh no! Don't tell me you forgot the fishing line!

Paws for thought ....

Seen any nice looking chicks today?

Anne said...

You forgot your pole.

Anne said...

"R" Months again, yippee!

Anonymous said...

Looks as though you stepped on the movie scene of Homeward Bound and "Sassy" is confused.... that wasn't in the script

Anonymous said...

"I tawt I taw a puddy tat!"

"Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feline groovy"

Looks like something fishy goin' on 'round here...

This one IS a toughie, Carmi! (And thanks for the menschen, friend :) ).