Hard right
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2008 [Click to enlarge]
I've got very simple needs. I could sit on the beach and watch the birds fly for hours at a stretch. This particular gull was flying so low, so fast that I thought it would cartwheel into the water. Yet somehow, he repeatedly avoided disaster, almost as if he knew he was putting on a show.
It's inspiring to watch such absolute command of one's environment. While it's easy for the cynics among us to dismiss the display as little more than the outcome of genetics and evolution, I decided on this afternoon, at at moment, to put such negativity out of my mind and just enjoy the moment for what it was.
Your turn: Simple pleasures. Please discuss.
Housekeeping stuff: This photo is another in the up-themed series we're exploring as part of the latest Thematic Photographic. Head over here to raise your photographic fun level (sorry, couldn't resist.) We're also captioning...over here.
It's my guess that he did know exactly what he was doing and who was watching.
I agree simple pleasures such as this are the best. Even without the birds, the sound and smell of the surf can hypnotize.
I love all things about the beach and the ocean, including gulls. That photo is wonderful, Carmi; the stripes in the water and on the bird echo each other.
Simple pleasures, hmmm. I'll be sappy (contrary to my general sarcastic persona ;) - I love the quiet, cuddly times with my guy. The world just slows down for a while.
Lovely photo, Carmi. Oh & Netchick sent me.
Love the "thematic photography" concept. the previous "up" was brilliant too, but there's such a great feeling of motion here. Fantastic!
Carmi, I spend so much time around the water trying to capture the birds as part of the experience. This is one of the finest photographs I've seen because of the detail of the tail and wings. It's obvious you didn't do what I do: follow the bird with my camera so that the photo is totally blurred! :)
Ah those low fliers are hoping to snag some sandwich or a french fry ... extremely jealous of this shot
Stunning! My simply pleasures? Taking in the beautiful scenery which surrounds me.
You know I love being outdoors and close to nature - so that goes without saying. I also can sit for hours watching birds, trees and animals.
My simple pleasure at the moment would be to be able to bend my knee without pain - it would make walking up stairs a doddle!
When not being bitter, my simple pleasure is being in a medieval castle as the sun rises....glorious.
Simple pleasures...that's what life is about for me. The older I get the more satisfied I am with the simple things of life.
Love your gull taking a hard right.
I like the way this post was written. Simple and to the point.
It is awesome to watch animals in their natural environment.
I have so many "simple" moments: watching a sunrise or set, a gentle kiss, sharing coffee with my hubby, enjoying the light in a grandchild's eyes (or any child for that matter, cuddling a baby, admiring a bouquet of fresh flowers.
I love Journey and Steve Perry. I like the reference to the song.
The word simple caught my fancy.
In the past I thought it was so simple to say "a seagull"
But that are so many different species of gulls that I've started marking them down in my bird book.
Wish I knew what kind that was...
Love the way you filled the frame...sounds like you'd like to be in my WW picture!
I can watch lighting as long as the storm will last. Also, I love watching my kids sleep. I just wish we all had the time to do it more often!
How in the world did you catch that bird so clearly?!
I can't believe I missed seeing this shot before now! Wow...
I think animals just have a built in situational awareness that the average human just doesn't have. Jet fighter pilots, race car drivers, professional athletes, special ops military personnel... they all have a more highly developed sense of it than your typical schmoe, but in animals I think it's just innate. It has to be; their survival depends on it. So this gull ... yeah, he knows exactly where each feather is in time and space even if it's not a conscious thought.
Was he showing off? Quite possible... but probably for the lady gulls, not the guy with the camera. But regardless, it is an impressive display. And a most impressive photo too!
Simple pleasures?
Slow music, lots of books and food served in the bed room :)
whoah, that is too much!
as usual my mind turns to design.
Who designed this sort of flying vehicle? and HOW?
Marvelous that His infinite mind would make such creatures to populate our skies ( for Carmi's enjoyment.)
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