I'm so pretty
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2008 [Click to enlarge]
We noticed this little munchkin as we sat on the beach and watched the sun rise (see here for more.) She was still there after an hour, sitting quietly on her perch at the base of the lifeguard tower. As you can tell, she let us get pretty close.
Your turn: This photo is the final one in our "simple" series. If you'd like to share a simple photo of your own, please click here. I'll be posting the new Thematic Photographic image tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. Next week's theme will be "down". I'm already looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
One more thing: Caption This awaits your input as well. Head over here to embiggen your day.
That is an incredible shot. I love it......
I concur: a wonderful shot of your little friend! aloha-
Beautiful. She looks like she is dressed in velvet.
Nice photo. I'm amazed you were able to get so close. I tend to scare away birds when I try to take a photo with my little point and shoot.
One more astonishing photo from the Carmi Collection. Wow. Every detail knife sharp. And lighted perfectly. Simply incredible. You always manage to leave me wondering how you did that. Wicked fast shutter? Image stabilized lenses? Or just no pulse?
Whatever the secret is, I'm glad you choose to share the results with the rest of us.
Mourning doves sure are lovely .. none too bright.. but lovely. :)
That is amazing that she let you get so close. Great shot.
Happy WW!
Looks like a mourning dove - they're so sweet, but 'round these parts they are a bit skittish, and I never would have gotten as close as you did.
Got some birds myself this week.
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~* Presents: The Feast - Sanibel Island, Florida
What kind of lens did you use to get that close
Lovely Picture. Happy WW
This is a beautiful shot!
My WW is also the result of a close up moment with one of nature's creatures.
Quite a cooperating friend! Nice shot!
That is so cute! my WW is up on Prepared for Survival
So very beautiful, she looks so patient!
Wow! the eye is great.
I'm surprised she let you get so close, birds are generally so skittish. I love the colors, from the lighter browns to the deep chocolate color. Great capture!
Very nice. And your blog title sounds like it could be a BOOK title.
Mine's up, too.
Great photo!
I love the post below too. Well said.
Happy ww. I have a caption for this photo - Morning with the Mourning Dove.
Looks a bit like a Mourning Dove but its color is odd .. must be a Florida tan ... that's it .. a tan!
Such a great shot. I've got a simple one myself today.
Very nice photo, beautiful bird.
Beautiful Mourning Dove!
What a beautiful picture :)
Happy WW! Very pretty! I love the sharpness and how you captured her eye.
Happy WW! Very pretty! I love the sharpness and how you captured her eye.
Great shot!
Nice bird shot! Hope you can also share you beautiful photos in our meme.
Nice shot and great colours. Would almost qualify for the *tsk tsk* F Y Penguin site. I'll refrain from a direct link here, but its in my sidebar.
Here's looking at you, Babe.
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