Except when you're sitting by the emergency exit in the front row (much better legroom in exchange for the mandatory safety briefing, which is just as well because I wouldn't trust anyone else with my safety, but I digress.) In that case, you're right next to the propellor, which gives you a pretty neat perspective on the world.
This is balanced by the fact that you're sitting right next to a piece of machinery that is spinning at a rate of approximately three bajillion miles per hour. And if that thing fails and flies through space in your general direction, you will be fileted in much the same way as a crayfish in Emeril Lagasse's kitchen. Ick.
But that didn't happen this time. Whew. Instead, I was able to enjoy this interesting perspective just as my home airport - London International, or YXU for you airheads - loomed on the horizon. It was a welcome sight for a pair of eyes that missed being home, and it reminded me why I love living in a city where the stunning patchwork of the country is a mere five-minute ride from my house.
Click on the image for a larger version. Let me know if you see any cows when you do.
Your turn: I'm suddenly inspired by farms. Shall we vote on possible cow pictures? Are you a fan of the almighty cow? If so, why? If not, why not?
We have cows down the street from us. the kids love them. maybe i should take a walk and get some pictures.
I do not care for cows. actuallu i don't care for any animals. I am not what they call "an animal person"
I love cows. They go "moo".
Aww, I love cows too. I was out walking yesterday and came across loads of them in the paddocks round our way. A few brand new calves too! I posted them here!
I like cows well enough. They're innocuous, a sort of mobile rural wallpaper.
Cows freak me out. I have no idea why. It's not like I was ever chased across a pasture by an irate bovine...
I did get a laugh out of watching two cows have a fight a few months ago. One was super-pissed and kept head-butting the other one in the side, and all the other cows were standing in a semi-circle, watching. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure I heard a bunch of them chanting "fight fight fight!"
I find the feeling of driving through farm country very soothing. And I love cows. It's very comforting to be in the presence of cows. People just take, take, take, from cows, and they just give.
I have a great appreciate for farms because my Dad is a farm boy from Yellowgrass, Saskatchewan during the Depression.
Wow, that comment was a grammatical mess. I'm tired, that's my excuse.
Getting back to farms, I've also always been a big fan of James Herriot's 'All Creatures Great And Small', both the books and the show.
There's nothing quite like watching a TV show showing a vet sticking his arm all the way up a cow's uterus. Now that's entertainment.
Cows are okay; I have a nice story about some on my blog right now. I prefer other kinds of animals, but I am not opposed to cows.
I like cows why shouldn't I. Michele sent me
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