...and I found these two lovely images literally under our kitchen window.
Your turn: What is is about rain that makes an ordinary picture so extraordinary? Post-rain photography draws me in like nobody's business. Oh, and while I'm at it, what are the first three words that come to mind as you see these two images from our little garden?
BTW, as always, click either image for a higher-resolution version. Enjoy!
Hi, Michele sent me tonight. The first three words I thought of were cleanse, calm, and peace. I love the rain.
I think what makes rain pictures look so great is because everything was wet, I think.
I guess I can't tell you the first three words anymore since I just told you 35 already, I'm stupid!
Beautiful pictures, Carmi! I hope you had a nice weekend!
I especially like the first photo - the vivid color is just really amazing.
As to rain and pictures, I think it has to do with water as a life source, and also a source of inspiration.
And thanks for stopping by in the middle of my template reconstruction last night.
Those are just goreous. I wish our rain here would bring such beauty to my eyes. LOL! However, all I see out my kitchen window is MUD!
I want some rain, too! Great photos!
3 words? Awesome Beauty (of) Creation
Raindrop photography reminds me of the idea that you can see a person's soul when you look into their eyes. It seems to me that some deeper beauty of nature is revealed through those tiny droplets of water.
Ouch! All thoughts of raindrops and relevant words have gone from my mind. Pity 'anonymous' didn't have the nerve to put his or her name to their comment. At least you have the courage to say what you think and believe under your own name. The downside is that you leave yourself open to comments like the one above. I hope it doesn't get you down. Maybe it's time to turn off anonymous commenting? Look after yourself, Carmi, and remember that many of us here in blogland enjoy sharing thoughts and pictures and words with you.
Life, color, new, fresh.....are a few of the things that come to mind, Carmi.
Rain washes things and makes them and fresh and the droplets of water are always interesting to see. They reflect the world around them.
I love your pictures!
It's something about the water droplets that make the photos so beautiful.
Lovely images :)
I saw that negative comment earlier. Glad you deleted it.
Those were the words that came to my mind.
I don't know what it is about the rain. It adds a new dimension I think. Like, the bad, dull, dirty world is washed away and the inner beauty can shine through. Beautiful.
Gorgeous photos. You have quite the eye for beauty.
simply breathtaking. absolutely wonderful. Something about the drops of water on the leaves and petals seems to seem so delicate or something.
Closed my eyes after looking at your photo.
Three words:
Alive, peaceful, beautiful.
The rain seems to wash away the sins of the world so everything looks new and good again.
On our very small island it rarely rains, and yet the only fresh water we have for drinking, washing etc is what little we catch from the skies. The words that spring to mind:
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