11 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
Do you also have the box strapped to the roof, packed to bursting, on these trips? My Marguerite, at the age of three, dubbed the strap ons "vacations-in-a-box."
Ahhh. Kids and road trips. Something only a true parent could appreciate. Love the "sunshine" photo.
Glad you have such a dependable car that will fit the whole family!!
Roadtrips with kids. I'm one of the few insane people who love it.
Cute kids you have.
That's such a great picture! One that will bring back some great memories one day. I used to love our road trips as a kid.
Do the words ARE WE THERE YET? Ring a bell, lmao...I so remember traveling as a kid and uttering those famous words while fighting for room in the back seat with my sisters..
Fast forward to a few years back when my daughter would say the same words only (in french) she's almost 16 and she either has her portable cd player in her ears or she wants us to put her cd in the car stereo...we always do..but the fun part is when my partner and I both start to head bang in unison to the music...ahh the joys of seeing total mortification on a teens face....just fills me with happiness thinking about it lmao...
Boy, does that bring back memories. A vanload full of children and stuff - more stuff than you can imagine. I get tired just thinking about it!
Hi Carmi! Long time no speak! I'm sure you're very busy with all of the Blackberry issues....
Having a vacation is one I have been planning to do for months now. Summer has started over here so it's resort hunting time.
Handsome boys you've got there. You all must have great fun.
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