I use a BlackBerry 8830 for work. While walking the dog early this afternoon, I was thinking to myself, "Myself, it's been such a quiet day for e-mail. I love when my inbox is clear and everyone is happy that things are being taken care of."
Now it turns out that my idyllic reverie was a little premature: Research In Motion isn't saying anything, but the Web is alive with reports of yet another BlackBerry outage.
Sharp-eyed readers may remember that when I was an official analyst, I got a little ornery with RIM for its silence during the first meltdown (click here for the blog entry. Click here for the followup.)
I guess it's time to e-mail some journalists again. I'll use my laptop this time. Not the BlackBerry.
Your turn: Are we slaves to technology?
One more thing: I'm editing lovely photos for my next batch of blog entries. Happier themes will return imminently.
1 hour ago
Maybe RIM can't say anything, since they use blackberries to communicate?
Maybe RIM can't say anything since with their upcoming potential "merger" by Microsoft, they were attempting to run all their software on MS boxes, and everything went bleu.
Let's see: RIM's reputation for crashing, combined with le bleu screen de mort, what a combination!
Michele sent me to pontificate on the benefits of the one true os,
catholi -- ooops --- linux.
Sometimes it feels like the things designed to make our life simple, make it more complicated in the long run. Alas, I am a technical junkie regardless, and a slave to all things computer.
In a way we are slaves to these technologies yes...but us slaves usually have backup systems to assuage our anxiety when one venu is down lol...
Here from Michele's tonight.
I am not a techy at all and I'm not really proud to say that any more. I know I need to learn more but it scares the bijeebers out of me. Where to start, what to start with? It all seems overwhelming. I also know it won't get any easier the older I get.
I am totally a slave to technology... unfortunately, my paycheck is stuck in 1995 :(
can't say that I have a Crackberry....but I do multi-task....and just today when I thought all was finally good and well, I find another load of cold wash/swimsuits that need to be done...
sad to say another day in the life of a SAHM is way too busy....now when do I get to the lattes and bonbons??
i do not wish to alarm you, friend, but there is an AD on your blog.
It's so annoying when things like this happen. I have had the same thing at work. External email went down on more than one occassion adn they didn't tell anyone. I was very angry one time as I was at a sritical point in a project adn had sent out emails for replys that were critical. Needless to say i couldn't understand why I had heardn nothing until I rang one of the people and started to investigate for myself. Very trying!
Michele sent me to say hi this time.
I am definitely a slave to technology. Love what technology I have and I use and want more!
I'm afraid that over time we have become slaves to technology. But it's all so enticing. Computers, digital cameras, cell phones, iPods, you name it.....we want to try it. I guess that's human nature.
But...after being without my cable for almost 2 weeks, I sometimes think we were way better off before all this high-tech stuff hit the scene. You know....3 TV channels, party lines on the telephones and RADIO. Not for the music, but for some of the great shows radio gave to us. And also the interaction and family time that high-tech can rob from us.
One of the reasons I chose my Samsung Blackjack over the Blackberry when I was replacing my cell phone last spring is that I'd seen too many people go through contact-withdrawal because of outages. (Also, it works on regular cell networks, as well as 3G and Edge.)
As to being dependent on technology, my mother, who writes at www.mexicomusings.com, was recently prepping for a hurricane, and we talked about this. I don't remember such panic over hurricanes as a kid in New Jersey, and neither does she, even though storms regularly came up from the Carolinas. Our addiction to instant communication and 24/7 access to the world has made the thought of being tech-free even for a few hours, pretty scary.
We are slaves to technology, and I don't think it's such a good thing. I have to admit, I like computers, cell phones and hi-tech gadgets to a degree...but I'd give them all up to have the simplicity of my growing up years back again.
I like splenda on my blackberries.
I think in general we are slaves to many things. People should go camping more often to get in touch w/their inner have-nots.
my blackberry battery runs down every so often, but sort of in stages, where it switches off the receiver first. So I know when it goes peaceful, its usually time for a re-charge.
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