Like most five-year-olds, Noah spends a good deal of his time eating and drinking. It's the only way his little body can find the energy to essentially be a blur on the landscape.
Our little guy's favorite beverage is apple juice. So when the flight attendant asked what I wanted to drink, I asked for a cup of my own. And I said please, of course.
(As an aside, the looks on the faces of my fellow passengers as I whipped out my camera and took this bizarro picture were priceless. I'll do it again in a heartbeat, and I heartily recommend you do the same.)
Even though I was far away from him and the rest of my brood, drinking his favorite drink somehow made me feel a bit closer.
Your turn: What (usually little) things do you do to close the distance between you and your close friends and family?
O.K. this might be weird...but sometimes if I'm out alone, rushing and I'm starving at stop in at McDonald's (I'd actually have to be REALLY rushed to eat there..and REALLY starving) I order a happy meal so that I can bring the toy home for Jessie. I always order what she would have. A cheeseburger happy meal with an orange drink.
I keep photos all over the house, especially on and around my desk and on the refrigerator. When are you going to tell us what's going on??!!
My youngest is an absolute apple juice fanatic, but the only time I order apple juice for myself is when I fly. Never really thought about it, but now that you mention it maybe it's that little way of staying connected to my kids as I fly off on business without them.
Michele sent me to you, Carmi.
I don't do anything to remind me of others that I belong with. Not that I'm consciously aware of, at least. I do love apple juice though. Almost as much as soda.
When I'm away from Ethan I call him constantly. Tongiht he's spending the night with my parents, and I just know snuck away from a cocktail table to go home and call him.
In fact, I claimed that I needed long sleeves. Now I am getting ready to head back to said party with a different top on.
The things we do...
hello, michele sent me.
Hello, Michele sent me! I have little keepsakes I keep in my travel bag. Great post!
Hi from Michele.
I travel a lot on business so I have lots of things.
My favorite is that I let my toddler choose a book to put in my suitcase and I read it to her over the phone from my hotel. And if we forget to pack one, the deal is I have to buy a new one and read it and then, of course, bring it home to her.
Hi from Michele's place!
Pictures, and sometimes carrying around something that is theirs to remind me of them. Fortunately, I stay at home with mine and haven't travelled much with them. Still, I like your apple juice idea...I will have to remember that. Got to ya' from Michele tonight. Nice blog...
I am fortunate to not be far from my loved ones. So I can't answer this question.
I do remember in my teen yrs I would sleep with an old shirt of my moms to stay close to her. We lived hundreds of miles away from eachother for two yrs.
and michele sent me. I always forget when i'm here via her ;-)
I'm never away from friends or family long enough to need anything to remind me of them. But I've put a gallon or two of vodka in my orange juice to help forget a few people.
I have pictures, and i wear my Nanna's wedding and engagement rings which make me feel close to her and my Pa even though they are in heaven. :o)
Oh, and michele sent me today. :o)
Thanks for visiting my site!
I love to smell my 3-year-old daughter's hair!
Carmi, when my husband used to travel extensively for work, I envied him going all over the country and seeing exciting places. He hated every minute of it, he said, and I didn't know if I could believe him or not. He always said he enjoyed travel so much more if I or one of the children could come with him, otherwise it was a hollow experience. Maybe he was telling the truth back then; maybe he was like you are now. Your wife is a lucky woman!
Here from Michele's
When I am away from my kids i make sure that the hotel provides me with lots of pillows so I feel like me kids are there. I know crazy but it works...:)
Hey there, I'm here from Michele's! I've been in a long distance relationship for over two years, and moved away from my family a little over a year ago, so it's been very important to find ways to stay connected to the people in my life that I love most. I've surrounded myself with hand-me down furniture from my parents, pictures, my sister's artwork, and phone calls are invaluable. I noticed your photos of Seattle below and thought they were beautiful--I'm heading there in about a month and am very much looking forward to it!
Music. I listen to something that reminds me of when we heard it together. BTW, Michele sent me.
awww...that's so sweet. i usually keep photos of family and friends all over - in my room, in my wallet, even at the office. hi, thanks for dropping by. :)
Hi Carmi,
I have done things to connect over a distance. When Hub and I travelled we found cafes and had tea at the same moment even across a few time zones.
I'm out of practice, forgot to say "Michele sent me."
Nice photo of your drink. I accidentally clicked on the picture and it flips to a great big photo, like diving ito the drink.
I've visited Seattle and the area a few times (Bellevue and environs as well as the 'Twin Peaks' area around Snoqualmie Falls). Great area, friendly people. Elliots seafood in Elliot Bay is great - its near the big market where they throw the fish around scuse me a Brit if I can't remember the details accurately!
oops- Michele sent me. ;-)
I'm back......via Michele this time!
Hello, Michele sent me.
Taking pictures of food is becoming a habit of mine.
Here for the first time this weekend, via Michele's
How neat that was for you to order his favorite drink.
I'll bet when you showed him the picture, he grinned really big.
I like to took over pictures in my Flickr account on my laptap. We have pics from trips we've taken, and when I see them, I'm right back there in the moment.
I must be more tired than I thought...when I first read the title, i thought it said, "Juice with an Attitude"!!!!
I really don't know if I do anything like that...nothing's coming to mind...but then I'm pretty disconnected from my family these days.
Oh yeah, Michele sent me!
Hey thanks for the link to such beaitiful pics :)
Here via Micheles again :)
I'm in a long distance relationship, and every time I see my boyfriend, I make him spray the Build-A-Bear he made me for Christmas with his cologne. When he's gone, the scent stays with me.
And when I'm away from my parents, I think of music. A little Neil Diamond for my mother, and some Nat King Cole for my daddy.
Hello Carmi Michelle sent me. I would have loved to have seen your fellow passengers as you started taking pictures of the juice. You should have took their picture too.
Carmi, I think I have at least 4-5 comments under this post.....Michele sent me back.
i write. sometimes to them, but often about them.
Michele sent me...
I scrapbook :) So I guess I use pictures to relive favorite memories !Great post ..who would have thought that a simple cup of apple juice could mean so much .
Oh my, that's a really good question. Let me think ... I have photos everywhere, and keep an old message on our answering machine that my daughter left for my husband about 2-1/2 years ago. I love to listen to it every now and then.
Michele sent me!
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