9 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
Mmm, icing. Now I want cake! hee!
Touch or lick or rub all over your body...whoops, got a little carried away.
It looks like a batter or a dough mixture... It reminds me of those muffins before I placed the mixture in and baked them
At first I actually thought it was plaster then I remembered your love of desserts and voila frosting! Here via Michele this time.
I can almost smell it!
WHOAAAH! This is delicious looking! What the hell is it? I know it looks like something to eat...YUM!!!! But I will have to study it more to figure out what it could be...GREAT GREAT Photograph Carmi...!
I love texture, too - I guess that's why I quilt and knit from time to time. The pic is wonderful - it's enough to make me start eating sugar again! Michele says hi.
dangit carmi... why do you tease us like this?
Hmm, I want cake!!!! Looks good enough to grab off the page.
It looks yummy...but I know it icing on a cake or is it whipped cream cheese. You know the expensive kind? The only kind that our picky kids wii eat?!
vanilla icing on a cup cake maybe?
here from mrs carmi's blog....
At first I thought it was plaster. Then I thought maybe ice cream. Now I got it. Frosting. Stopping in (without Michele telling me to) to wish you a happy belated anniversary!
OK Blogger crapped out on me the first time I tried to post this. So again...let me say I thought it was plaster, then ice cream. Now I see its frosting. Stopping by to wish you a happy belated anniversary!
Please tell me that's white chocolate, and make my day complete! :)
And that's just the icing on the cake.
Yes I am; it's nearly lunchtime here in England!
Michele sent me here.
*Melody wipes the drool from her face*...Oh my, that looks delicious. Would make a great gift card cover.
here via Michele today Carmi...
Ummmm yummy
Here on my own.
I love this picture. I am an icing freak, especially fluffy white frosting but any will do. It looks so soft, so sticky!
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