"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
Kurt Vonnegut
If you're American, you ARE going to vote, right? Nut cases or not, they - and the flawed puzzle pieces of democracy that they represent - are the best we've got.
1 day ago
Many of the people I know have already voted, but I'm waiting for Tuesday. I've voted in every presidential election, and the majority of off elections, since my first in 1978 (and that was an off election.)
I voted early!. I studied the intense booklet they sent out a month ago.. Read articles, watched the debates... I am going w/my gut..and majority of the time my gut is right.
Voted early because I'll be out of town on election day...but always, always, always vote. If for no other reason, it gives me a right to whine later ;)
I shall be there bright and early on Tuesday morning!
Every vote counts...except when registrations are thrown away or found to be completed incorrectly or as in Florida counted wrong or as may very well be true on Tuesday...the result of various computer glitches. OR as in OHIO they put in place new restrictions on voter IDs at the last minute...that are illegal, but may impact he vote anyway.
In our country Belgium, voting is a duty. Each adult is obliged to give his vote, if you refuse or don't show up you get a big fine.
...i already voted here in florida...
Vonnegut is so right. But it's what we got, and as Thumper said it gives one the right to whine later!
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