Gull wings
Deerfield Beach, Florida, December 2007 [Click to enlarge its wingspan]
Anyone who's followed my adventures for any length of time knows that I'm somewhat fascinated by flight. I often take pictures of airplanes (see here, here and here) and, when I need more natural inspiration, I turn my lens on birds (here, here and here).
So when we went to the beach to soak in a little sand, salt water and hideous-looking people in hideous-looking swimwear (more pictures on that front soon), I found solace in this feathered fellow who almost seemed to pose for me as he (she? Anyone know how to gender-identify a gull?) flew past.
Your turn: What's going through the mind of this bird? Have fun with it...
I love pictures of seaguls.
I answered your question over at my place for when you have a moment to check it out.
He's trying to find the big guy with the "biggie" sized french fry.
I think the bird is thinking "which head should I unload on."
I like the picture. Thoughts inside a birds head?
Poor human beings! They don't have wings!
In this cold, Michele sent me here to look at this photo and admire it.
You know that I am going to repost when I see that I misspelled two words....
What I had written was that the sun in this makes me feel so warm. It is going to snow here today in Altanta!
Another wonderful shot that is making me ready for summer!
brrrr it's cold here - can't imagine people sunbathing... and do we really need to see pictures of hideous swim wear?? Though I'm sure if you took them then they won't be too scary! ;)
The gull... bet he or she is just enjoying the feel of the aircurrents lifting him as he soars - his invisible helping hand...
Hey my friend - Michele sent me for a little sun and blue sky on this terrible grey rainy day!
I think the seagull is saying..
'You lookin' at me - punk?'
Thanks for stopping by. Would be cool to record stuff on here, buuutttt, I'm not nearly as good as I used to be. And thanks for reminding me I haven't written in here in ages. Suppose I should get on that, eh? :) Nice photo, btw.
He's wondering where all the crabs went.
He is thinking "this is fun"
Michele sent me BTW
Hey Carmi....stop by my blog if you get a spare minute. There's a question I ask on Fridays entry that I would love to read your answer to :)
Hi Carmi,
I don't think anything is on it's mind, just experiencing a sense of being one with it all.
Here are a few of my favorite seagull shots.
I believe gender identification of birds is quite difficult, unless the male and female have different plumage. My husband was once sent to collect parrakeets for a bird sanctuary. He was told that you sex them by letting them bite your thumb. If it hurts, it's female and if it takes a chunk out, it's a male!
I think the relevant body parts are kept internal when not in use :)
Michele sent me to impart that little bit of trivia.
bird. Brain?
does not compute
My first thought was of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, in which case he would be thinking:
"Higher! Faster! Now roll! I can DO this!"
A bird in flight is inspirational no matter how you look at it, isn't it? :)
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