Scene from a storefront
London, ON, March 2009 [Click to enlarge]
When your train arrives back in town a little early and you have a bit of time to kill before your lovely wife can pick you up, you can either drink yourself silly at a downtown bar, or you can walk the streets as the sun sets and hope you come across something worth shooting.
So I walked. Because I'm silly enough without any alcohol in me.
And I'm glad I did, because it allowed me to find this reflective teapot in an otherwise darkened storefront. Who says downtown has nothing to offer?
Your turn: Your last walkabout...what did you see?
What a cool teapot! Dang, can I have it? :D
very cool :) i love how we can see your reflection in it.
i hope to get back into thematic photographic soon :)
And a very interesting self portrait!
A gem!
An emerald!
What is it about green, shiny green, poping up everywhere in the culture all of a sudden?
For my husband's Monday birthday I bought him a shiny, reflective GREEN Yo Yo!
Ho Ho!
& Aloha,
Is the green colour just a result of the surrounding light or was there a green patina on it?
ps. NetChick sent me.
And great self-portrait too, Carmi.
On my walkabout today I saw open markets, historic buildings, tropic blue skies, and nice people. Lots of asian characters on signs and windows too. I was dim-summing in Honolulu's Chinatown!
what a find, Carmi!!!!!!!
Perfect for a cup of green tea, perhaps?
Really love your teapot, and its reflection.
I used to have a collection of a couple of dozen teapots. Their various shapes and colors fascinate me.
Oh I love that shot.. the tea pot and its reflection.
That's great! You look a little green though...great teapot, great shot!
I love the background reflected in this very extraordinary teapot. I could actually become a collector of teapots...they are such homey and lovely warming items! This teapot would be part of my collection, for sure!
I would have done both.
Wandered to the bar, looking for possible shoots on the way...
..and in the bar I would have got out my trusty pad, and maybe written something!
Wow - look at that cool coat the reflection is wearing!
walkabout? Sorry, sweetie - I don't walk for pleasure while waiting for knee surgery, and most walking is concentrated on getting where I'm going.
But walking out to my car each evening I get to go across the bridge over our lake at work and I pause to look over the lake. At the moment all the waterfowl are starting nesting and pairing up - and it's wonderful to watch the magical lifecyle of Mother Nature.
Tanya says; Ach, this crazie person - she's all about the nature!
I can see you Carmi:) we have lots of tea-pots - My husband is a teaholic but that one is such a pretty colour. Irish?
Tanya sent her best. It's a while since I was here. Too long.
That is perhaps the coolest tea pot I've ever seen.
In fact, I can't even remember seeing anything interesting on my last walkabout (yesterday) because I'm too fixated on the awesomeness that is that green metallic teapot.
If you rub the green tea-pot, an enviromentally friendly Genie pops out and gives you three washes.
( with recycled water of course)
Barbara Eden
I'm not sure you'd call it a "walkabout", but I spent about half an hour yesterday in a parking lot full of classic cars on display. Talk about target rich environments! But that was a purposeful trip, I"d gone there to see a parking lot full of classic cars, so I'm not sure it qualifies as a "walkabout", which seems to suggest no particular purpose and just shooting targets of opportunity.
But on the way back home I did stop into the supermarket to snag a bag of my favorite chips for the Canes/Caps game (Canes 4, Caps 1 and zero goals for the stick that's too hot to touch -- ha!). And while I was there, I did find something to support this week's theme.
I love the color and the shiny finish of that teapot. It reminds me of a Jeff Koons sculpture.
It's sleek and modern and if there is a genie inside it, it surely has piercings and tattoos. Just letting my imagination run a bit, sorry! :-)
Carmi, this is just gorgeous!
Just back from a walkabout .. and ran into the almost birthday gal whose doorman I was going to leave her gift with instead I gave it to her, then walked about another block to B&N and got a book .. went to Towne Shop for socks and then home .. amazingly nothing I passed or saw cried out to be photographed. This comment is so long its almost a blog post ..
you rock Carmi...even more with your love of Tea
Cool! I love the colour. And, we can see you in the teapot too!
i spy a carmi
Carmi, that is a beautiful teapot. I don't think I've seen a metallic one like it before. It's a beautiful shot.
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