My exciting, jet-setting life continues. I've was on TV earlier this afternoon, talking about the latest developments in the high-end smartphone market. Pat Bolland and Amanda Lang from Report On Business Television interviewed me.
The deal is that LG released a new phone, officially known as the KE850, but more popularly called the Prada. In a collaboration with the famous house of fashion, LG's new phone is a sexy-looking, giant-screened affair that's already inviting comparisons to Apple's just-announced iPhone. For 600 euros ($780-ish if it sold in the U.S., which it won't for the forseeable future because it isn't designed to run on North American carrier networks, but I digress...) it should also make breakfast.
So I sat down for a chat to sift through all these big high-end phone announcements, to speak about the whole designer-phone thing, and to assess what it all means for folks like you and me who just want to get work done. All in all, very cool stuff. I love what I do!
Oh yes, you can actually see the interview by clicking here. Warning: if you've never seen or heard me before, viewer discretion is advised.
Your turn: Was it fun to watch?
27 minutes ago
14 comments: is the deal. I didn't understand one word of what was going on until someone said iPhone...then I was all ears. I really enjoyed watching helped that I am seriously addicted to Mac.
Thanks for sharing Carmi.
Oh yeah, where was your camera?? :) I think I half expected it to be hanging from around your neck during the interview. LOL
Carmi that was great. I know how difficult it can be talking to camera but you were totally professional and looked at ease. The only shock was seeing you bareheaded and in a suit. But a pleasant shock. Well done!
gosh, you look so comfortable on camera. i find that whenever i have been interviewed on camera i tend to roll my eyes around and nod my head a lot.
in other words, i look like a big old dork. but you on the other hand look super confident!
michele sent me this time.
Oh my gosh, you sound just like Tom Hanks. That was my very first thought and my M.I.L thought it was as well.
What a hoot. I thoroughly enjoy watching you in these newspots. You know your stuff Carmi and it shows. Your television is like your blog...very smooth and professional.
I've got to ask...where is this shot? I believe those are the same bookshelves I've seen in another of your news videos.
Nice one Carmi! You did well. It was bizarre to hear you talking!
Here from Michele's again, as you already know. Have a good weekend.
excellent interview. great info.
who would have thunk you could clean up so well?
Michele sent me.
aww, you said: 'it isn't designed to run on North American carrier networks' I'm really disapointed, I love my LG 6100 phone & since I intend to upgrade this spring I thought this phone would be great! Oh well... I couldn't load the interview, it kept crashing my browser.
Here from Micheles tonight.
The iPhone is definitely hot in a sexy Jessica Simpson hillbilly kinda way, but I'm waiting for the hype to die down and its release before I jump on it...
howdy from the Blue Ridge via Michele, of course..
Good one can ever say that you are lost for words.
I don't know about fun but you were quite informative and I suspect, esp with your analysis of the iPhone, quite controversial, Carmi. I've heard all the names you were discussing but I know very little about smart phones so the segment was eye-opening for me. You are such a great analyst. Not many can make the transition from print to television and you do it with aplomb.
Michele sent me over to watch you.
Well...I'm not happy! I wasn't able to hear the interview. Thought it was my computer...but got the audio on the little commercial before your interview. looked
I did go and read about the iPhone which I saw on the news the other night...fascinating!
But I really would have liked to hear your interview.
Your tres Canadien pronunciation of "against" and "out" were fun to watch...
more than fun, thanks Carmi - interesting comparisons, good information on the iPhone too, thanks.
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