Sunday, January 28, 2007

Caption This 3

[Caption to be filled in by you...]
Lake Worth, Florida, December 2006

They say a picture can speak a thousand words. As soon as I saw this person, I knew that old saying was indeed true. I know I crossed lines of privacy by taking this image from afar. But I thought sharing a poignant moment justified it. A month after I captured this, I remain ambivalent about whether this is the case.

Your turn: If this is your first time submitting a suggestion to Written Inc.'s weekly Capture This feature, click here for the rules, such as they are. Click here for last week's entry.

Before I forget...last week's winning caption is:
I'm proof that life IS good!
Terri penned this keeper. If you haven't yet had a chance to visit her site, Island Writer, I wholeheartedly suggest doing so without delay. Her writing is a not-so-hidden treat.


Bobkat said...

Hi. Carmi, I do believe fervently that we could all make the world a better place and it doesn't have to be hard. Just smiling more, or saying please adn thank you would help!

I'm a great believer in choosing to be happy. Even at our lowest ebb we can choose happiness even if we don't feel it at the time - we can choose to be happy or choose to be sad. This was the basic tenet of the writings of Viktor Frankl.

The caption for your pic could be ' I wish I was somewhere else right now'

Anna said...

Actually Carmi...

I dont know what I would caption this. As I looked at her I felt speechless and found myself wondering what she is thinking. I realized I couldn't easily put words to this image because I was becoming more concerned about her reality. She looks worn not only by the sun but my life as well.

Maybe next time.

PS...although I do like what bob-kat wrote! :)

utenzi said...

"Waitin' on a stoop--watching the world go by"

Anna said...

OK, maybe the perfect caption could be...

There are no words...

It is a try anywway!

kenju said...

Carmi, I am not ever good a captions, but this photo speaks volumes to me. She looks worn out, as Anna said, and she looks like she is losing hope fast. My hope is that that is not the case at all; that I have misread it.

Michele sent me this time.

Moon said...

''If I could do it over again''
Is what I would call many ppl make bad choices in life, some of us more or less then others..unfortunatly some go down a wrong path and are lost for ever..some survive..but are a shell of themselves. She looks like one of those ppl...makes me I think if she had that chance..she would maybe do it over differently.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

This is such a sad sad picture....I feel like it would be rather an intrusion and completely presumtuous to try to look inside this person's heart and mind and pretend to think I could possibly know what they are thinking...Forgive me Carmi...I think it is such a profound picture, it feels like I would be trivializing it to "caption" it....!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful picture... the lady looks so deep in thought, like she's waiting for someone or something.

My one word caption for this picture would be: Anticipation.

Michele sent me! :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo.

My caption would be:

I remember when the busses used to be reliable!

Anonymous said...

Looking into this lady's face I find myself longing to share John 14:27 with her. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

She sure looks to be in need of some hope.

Anonymous said...

"Waiting in the blue bird of happiness."

Jennifer said...

My caption is " Guardian Angel"

To me she looks to be sitting watching the world. She's got her eye on something.

Anonymous said...

My caption is simply, blue eyes.

I can't stop looking at this photo wondering what has her so deep in thought; head held in hand and wearing the fret on her face.

Thought provoking catch, for sure.

Azgreeneyes said...

I think, Waiting on the world to change.

awareness said...

She reminds me of many of the people I work with daily. overdressed in oversized clothes, tired and worn......fear and a sense of the world's burden weathering her face......

She seems to be looking for someone....or waiting for someone. Maybe that someone has been arrested, or overdosed, or just took feeling is that she is wondering this........

so my caption........

"Where could he be?" or

"Am I going to see him again?"

Sara said...

To me it looks like she is waiting for the right moment, so I think the caption should be:

"I think I can"

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm truly honored, Carmi! Thank you so much for choosing my caption last week.
But this one....I have to agree with some of the others. It's so poignant, I'm afraid no words from me would be adequate.
Gosh, what a picture. She just oozes sadness and hopelessness. This photo certainly proves that life isn't always good for everyone.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful face. I would love to know what he or she was thinking.