Sunday, May 27, 2007

Caption This 20

Please come up with a caption for this pic [See below for details]
Shanghai, China, May 2007 [Click to enlarge]

Gather 'round the campfire for another episode in the seemingly never-ending saga of Caption This. Last week's image of China's top Don Ho impersonator garnered a lot of fun-silly responses. But in the end, only one winner could stand atop the podium. So in my best Ryan Seacrest/American Idol voice, I present this week's best caption:
"Free and easy enjoy natural life eternal happiness."
Stacy coined it. She's a Taiwan-based educator and mom, and a keen observer of the human spirit. If you haven't read her yet, you're missing out on a treat. Please drop by her blog, Entertaining Angels, and congratulate her.

About this week's image: I shot it fast, from the entranceway of a department store. Something about these two women taking a rest in the middle of a constant flow of human activity seemed to draw my eye. With my long lens, I reached in and grabbed the moment before dissolving back into the crowd.

Your turn: Please take a long, hard look at the picture above and come up with something funny for a caption. Then drop it in a comment. Don't know what Caption This is all about? Read the rules and then come on back for more. Want to see past Caption This entries? Click here for all of 'em.


~Alexandra's Friend~ said...

She'd thought that the 'Free & Easy' department was giving away complimentary t-shirts, this wasn't what she'd had in mind. But still ........Would that be refundable?

~Alexandra's Friend~ said...

Hi again Carmi...
I left you a greeting on my last post, please visit it when you have time.
I just hope I got it right!

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Flatulence is awful, isn't it?

Jean-Luc Picard said...

BTW, Michele sent me.

craziequeen said...

Lady #1 : phew! Who did that?

Lady #2 : sorry, dear - it was the noodles.......



JC said...

Boxers or briefs?

Karen said...

I was thinking along the same lines as Jean-Luc! But I can't think of a clever phrase. Hope you're having a great weekend. I'm here via Michele's...and my blogroll!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I think you did leave the coffee pot on.

Anonymous said...

ah here via michele. These pictures are incredible...I wanna learn to be a great photographer

Jill said...

Pssst. I saw a photo of Brittany Spears wearing those exact same shoes.

Anonymous said...

"Is that toilet tissue she's trailing behind her?"

Jess said...

The 5 carat diamond ring wasn't going to go down easily.

utenzi said...

Damn. CQ got the obvious fart caption. Well, there's not much left to work with but:

Woman 1: Slider?
Woman 2: No, heat down the middle.
Woman 1: My arm's a little tired...
Woman 2: Your stuff's still good.

Michael K. Althouse said...

No one said it yet, so I will...

"Who farted?"

Carola said...

Green top says to Speckled top...

"Hey Shirley, dont look now but theres someone behind you..."

b13 said...

Hubby: Oh my God... he's so... miniscule!
Wife: I thought that was a girl.

Lifelong Learner said...

Hey Carmi! I knew you'd get that caption after being in Shanghai. Actually, my daughter is collecting such phrases. She gets a big kick out of them.

Have a good one!

Dewey said...

Hi, Michele sent me. I think this is the third or so time I've visited via Michele, but I was also just here this morning. I'm just no good at captions, so I slunk away without a comment.

longspider said...

Oh no. I can't believe I forgot my receipt.

longspider said...

OMG. Look at those FEET.

longspider said...

Is that her foot sweat?

longspider said...

Rainy day in the shoe department.

Anonymous said...

Do you think he knows his fly is open?

Sara said...

Green shirt "did you see the price tag, they're $200"

Black shirt "oh dear & I told her to get whatever she wanted, what do I do now?"

Anonymous said...

"I'm feeling silly, how about we kancho the foreigner over there?"
"But thats a Japanese thing!"
"He'll never know what hit him! (-snicker-) You go distract him with noodles..."
