Another photo in an occasional series from our trip to Florida last December...
It's not the beach, but a playground in a park near my in-laws' place. Still, it takes me to a far-off desert as I wonder about the never-ending forces that reshape the surface every day. Kids really can change the world. On a really small scale, here's some proof.
Your turn: What is it about playgrounds that makes them such fertile ground for thinking? What do you think about when you sit around the edges of one?
14 hours ago
I love the way you look at life .I have never thought about a playground really as a place to think .I may have to start digging a lil deeper as I do everyday tasks :)
For me, Carmi, playgrounds make me think of the innocence of childhood and the absolute acceptance that "this is what life is all about". If a slide is made in the shape of a boat, then it is a boat, even if it will never see water.
I love to take sweet girl to the playground just to see how she interacts with her world.
A wonderful post!
Oh, and thanks for visiting mine.
Playgrounds always make me feel very cheerful. Watching my kids and others is always fun and just takes me right back to being a kid too! And yes, I usually always swing on the swings too! Why not?
A playground.......
Is aplace i would go as a teen and young adult when i was sad,upset,hurt,mad or even happily falling in love.
I love to sit on a swing with my toes in the sand.
Now a playground i go to enjoy my children and appreciate them to the fullest.
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