I don't enjoy drinking wine as much as I enjoy taking pictures of it. So when I found myself on New York's Chelsea Pier with some of the smartest folks in the technology industry, I did what most normal folks would do: I put my wine glass down and pulled out my camera.
It attracted a bit of attention, as my lens-based antics so often do, and the ensuing discussions with the aforementioned brilliant people will resonate in my mind far longer than the effects of the wine would have. I highly recommend hanging around intelligent, dedicated souls, because it makes you a better person in the process.
Your turn: How do you get yourself noticed at parties?
It's a good thing that building had its lights on inside - It illuminated your wine after and led you to it from the shimmer of the lights on the water... it's amazing how lighting "makes a good photograph". Nice Blush colour in the sky too. Psst... Carmi, I've been checking out your photography daily for a week and a half now... Great stuff!
yes great picture once again.
hmmm how do i get noticed at parties...? i'd have to admit it's usually by the fact that i'm late and wearing killer heels and a bright coloured (often ridiculous) dress. how i stay noticed...? harder.. did you you read vibratores or undercover spannerpant girl posts?? story telling is my friend :)
I don't necessarily want to be noticed at a party... but my beaming personality jumps out and gets me noticed or sometimes its a hat. If that doesn't work, I mean if I get bored, I will pull out my camera, I never go anywhere with out it. Even to the grocery store, I mean ya just never know when something might need its photo snapped.
I sing the harmony to Happy Birthday...it's generally only KID parties I go to...so that's life!
I'm not the killer heels and sexy dress kind of person. A smile and a laugh always works for me. Plus I love listening to what others have to say about themselves, their ideas.
A good party always needs a good listener.
I'm a joker, so that's how I stay and get noticed at parties. Well, I think I'm funny!
I say I'm going to show up and then I chicken out and don't go. And people say, "She didn't show up. . .again? She sucks."
Chelsea Piers has awesome bowling, but it's a pain to get to.
I usually get noticed for having a camera in my hands... otherwise nobody notices me!
Noticed? I try to blend in with the furniture...
I haven't been to a party in a longtime, aside from things with the family where there is no "getting noticed". Nice picture, though.
This picture is beautiful!
I don't really do parties, but when I find myself at one I am more of a have a good conversation with just a couple of people and then go home person.
Michele sent me today!
Oh, I I like this photo.
And New York City as well.
I miss it.
I love the clearness of the glass and wine in contrast to everything else in the picture.
I'm an attention-seeker trapped in a socially phobic body, so parties are always interesting. I've attracted attention by disappearing when I couldn't seem to connect with anyone. However, I usually attract attention when I open my mouth. Many people think that I'm funny, but what they don't realize is that I'm not trying to be funny, it's just who I am naturally. I've been put on the spot "to be funny," and I never can be because then I'm self-conscious and not my self.
Thinking about it further, I think I draw the most attention at parties becaue I listen to people. I suppose few people actually do that anymore, and being hungry for it, other people tend to gorge themselves on my ears until they realize how much they've shared. Feeling suddenly naked, they'll move on, and someone else will lay down on the doctor's couch.
I am kind of the opposite. I try NOT to get noticed at parties. I rather like the whole blending in idea. Don't get me wrong, I talk to people, and am not afraid of meeting new ones. I just don't like to draw attention to myself.
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