It was a big, sad, tumultuous day in the world. It started off with news of a massive denial of service (DoS) attack on Twitter and Facebook, as well as some Google-related properties, and ended with news of the death of John Hughes, director of such 80s brat pack films as The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles.
I guess I date myself when I say I grew up on his films, and to a large extent they defined part of my reality during a time when the major parts of my personality were being baked and finalized. It seems like only yesterday that I was watching movies like this with my then-very-new-girlfriend - and now wife - and wondering what the future held in store for us all. I never got a chance to thank him, of course, but I hope that while he was here he appreciated the positive impact he had on legions of complete strangers.
The world is rarely fair to those who pass through it. May the legacy of the cultural touchstones he created and the lives he influenced bring comfort to his family in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Your turn: How is it that seemingly repetitive movies can so embed themselves into the cultural fabric of a particular era?
One more thing: About that Twitter thing...I just got back from doing a live interview with CTV News Channel. I spoke with anchor Marcia MacMillan, and the video is here. Admitting I'm addicted to some aspects of social media on national television isn't an easy thing to do :)
Make that two: Thanks to 'A' News for pulling a clip from the interview and including it in the 11:00 p.m. news package. It's always especially rewarding to share the message with my hometown. And, no, this whole media thing will never get old for me.
OK, three: Thanks to Facebook notes from my friends Dana and Mona, I learned somewhat late that a clip from the interview was included in the CTV National News (yay!) Rob Brown's report can be seen here.
1 day ago
Since I don't use either Twitter or Facebook who cares? Well a lot of people do I know but I sure don't.
I heard that he passed away and didn't even know who he was. I'm not a big movie buff but I'm sorry to hear about his passing. Someone that makes movies that are big like those surely will be missed :)
Because John Hughes was from Chicago, and based all (or most) of his movies here, it was the top story on the WGN News tonight. If you're interested in his filmography and more indepth coverage, check out the WGN website here ->,0,2434141.story
I grew up on those movies too. I'm a big fan of John Hughes' work.
Lucky for me I never got addicted to twitter/facebook. I'm still trying to hold out on all the social media sites. I waste so much time on the computer as it is. If I get on those sites I may never leave the house.
Loved your interview Carmi! See you on twitter! lol
You're in an article in today's Toronto Star:
Great interview Carmi....I watched the longer one just now. You have such a way of explaining the techie things so that even I get it.
I should've thought last night about getting in touch with you because we maritimers get the CTV National news an hour earlier than you. next time, I will.
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