Musings from my BlackBerry...
Our youngest son is still young enough - 9 - that bedtime remains an important part of his day. He's also still young enough that giving us spontaneous kisses and hugs is a normal thing for him. Same thing with holding our hand when we're out.
I hope it never ends, but I know it will because they only grow in one direction. So we treat every day that he continues his cuddly ways as a gift.
Last night was an especially happy tuck-in for him. The dog followed him into his room and stood beside the very tall captain's bed, waiting for Noah to drape his arm over the side for a sniff and a dog kiss. Since Frasier's too small to make it up on his own, I picked him up and deposited him on top of his human big brother.
They both looked so content that I kissed and hugged them both - yup, I kiss and hug my dog...add another check mark to the weird column - and let them enjoy the moment. It took a while for Frasier to make his way out, and by the time he did, Noah was fast asleep.
There was nothing monumental or especially memorable about this tuck-in. But I wanted to hold on to it all the same, because I know all too well we've got a finite, and dwindling, supply.
Your turn: Cherishing the everyday. Please discuss.
9 hours ago
You might like my recent poem on the same sort of subject.
At least we both treasure the passing joys.
Ahhh...your entry states what my comment (written before I visited here) does, on your Facebook. Not that this surprises me.
I love the tuck-ins where animals are included. Since the day Spirit was old enough to wander the house, he has chosen Josh's bed; perhaps because Josh was with me when we adopted the kitten at the SPCA, perhaps because Josh is the only one who can actually pick up this fat cat and tote him up to bed. But no matter where he begins the night, he ends up on Josh's bed.
Theo chooses as well. Many times, since he's been older enough to wander the house at night, it's been my bed (and also with a pick-up; my little peanut dog can't reach the bed either). But in no short order, he began to choose Sam's bed, and more often than not, remains there all night long. When he sleeps on my bed, it's at my feet. But on Sam's bed, it's curled up next to "his" boy.
Tuck-in is always sweet. Thus far, Sam still enjoys it. Josh and I will talk for a bit before he heads to sleep, but even those times are special.
Come to think of it...we had tuck-ins with my mom even after I was a mom myself. Vermont nights never took place without kisses goodnight to, and from my mom. We're never too old...
when I read your post at the end of the day, I could only laugh. The only difference is, that our dog is nearly big as little Sebastians bed, so he can hug and kiss him by himself. Those two are best friends, and the cose minutes before go to sleep is an everyday routine. nice blog. best wishes in those pre christmasdays
Oh Innocence. It's awesome. Yes at one point it will end but it comes back again. I find my grown kids have now become very demonstrative in their 20's.
I love knowing that my little ones aren't embarrassed by affection yet. I've been making an effort to enjoy the kisses instead of wish that they came at more appropriate times.
You mean everybody doesn't hug and kiss their dogs? Sheesh, no wonder the world is going to hell in a handbag. I long ago traded the tuck-in squeezes for the backslappy man-hug, but I've found that this is not... "less". My sons -- very soon to be 27 and 22 -- are still not so embarrassed by their old man that they don't wanna know me in public.
Besides, tucking them in at this age would be a little creepy.
My wife and I enjoy the same bedtime ritual with my 9-year-old daughter, Nina, and our dog, Jordy. And I always hold her hand in parking lots too.
Living in the moment and you share a wonderful glimpse of it. It is those so called ordinary moments which make our days extraordinary. I fully believe that. thank you for sharing this Carmi.
ps. The Kerr dog gets her fair share of hugs and kisses too. :)
I know exactly what you are feeling. My son turns 9 years old tomorrow and just looking at how tall he's gotten and how less like a little guy he looks everyday makes my heart break. I hate not to be able to hug him whenever I want and him not pull away.
Parenting is sometimes so hard but worth it.
You've got about one year left for the boy to continue to show affection, until he becomes a sullen teenager. The dog however, will always give you kisses.
Score another one for the fur-kids.
SO sweet! We don't have kids yet, but there is a lot of kissing and hugging with our pup. In fact, we feel guilty if we go into the mountains without him as he just loves to be out there so much. He is truly a part of our family.
I respectfully disagree. If there was nothing monumental about this tuck-in, you would not still be thinking, and writing, about it today. As you know, it's the little things that are so big. Keep appreciating.
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