18 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
I love water. I especially love oceans. They're so majestic. They're also extremely powerful. Water gives and takes life regularly. You have to respect that.
1. that picture is AMAZING.
2. the word "embiggen" is AMAZING.
that is all.
I love anything to do with water..guess comes from my being born under a water sign!!....just back from a trip to Miami and Key west and I only have water on mind!!!
I couldn't agree more - on all points. This photo has a lovely dream-like quality to it adn the water looks almost other-worldlyif you know what I mean. This photo has a great, relaxing feel to it.
I adore waterfalls. Enough to hike for miles just to see one (if I know it's in there somewhere)
Every trip to Costa Rica or Hawaii I am on the search for them.
Just got back from Alaska where the snow-capped mountains are still creating cascades of water with their melting.
I can't capture them quite like you however- but I keep trying!
I love the way water feels. I am not a big swimmer, but I am referring to a good shower or bath. There is nothing else like it.
This picture by itself MADE me click to comment. ;) I love the comparison you make of what the camera sees versus the naked eye. I wish that I could slow down my own daily life experiences to view them in this "long exposure" mode. Water represents so, cleanliness, can you not love all it can be without changing form?
I am always amazed at the power of water, even in small amounts. It is also beautiful, whether in lakes, rivers, falls, or oceans.
I love streams, bubbling brooks and waterfalls. They just roll on and do their own thing, and we take them for granted and often times, fail to see the beauty. Much like the people in our lives I think.
For me, water is the most calming thing for me.
I love water - I find it peaceful and calming - and great to think by...especially the sea...
Water's neat because it's ever changing. No matter how many pictures of water you take they'll never be quite the same as the one before.
This picture of water flowing is very relaxing for me. I have a stressful job, and I have one of those small fountains that trickle water over some small smooth rocks. I would much rather be in the mountains experiencing in person a creek with water flowing over the rocks.
I love water. I love the feel of it against my skin and the way it cascades through my hands. I love the chatter of a gentle stream and the thunder of a waterfall.
And I am stunned by your photo - so much so, I stoled it! For my work desktop. It has been much admired and I say 'Yeah, my friend in Canada took it - great photographer, isn't he?'
Fabulous, as always.
And to answer your question, I love photographing water - still, falling, roiling... it's all good.
I once drove my honey crazy by taking the exact same shot, with only a slight change in settings each time.
Then he saw the shots. :)
great photo for sure. Your description captured my thoughts at first glance -- dream like
almost like flowing silicon
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