1 day ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
wow. this is a heavy topic for a saturday morning, carmi! i think it is how we react to the bumps and scars and pain and suffering that define us. and if we live a sheltered life, we may not ever get the chance to see what stuff we are made of. michele and i thank you for the opportunity to pontificate :)
gosh. There are many things I could think husbands work boots in the corner, the dishrag on the counter, my eyes after a long day of stress. Your post certainly gave off a feeling of melancholy. interesting how a visual and a few words can evoke such an emotion.
Hi from Michele's today!
This post shows it. You are right about that thoughtfully morose bit (I am going to write a poem on that, half already formed!).
What things got knocked?
What else is more important?
You were gonna be missed out, hence I got here from michele to prevent that.
That would be my pen that I carry with me everywhere I go. It's not an expensive one like Monte Blanc but it writes very smoothly without forming any blots of ink-sludges at the tip--even after you draw a straight line.
The Pilot G2-Ex, which is only available in Asia, has its share of trials and tribulations when it most often slips off a wobbly table at the cafe. The only downside is the invulnerability to falling, which calls for a replacement of the refill.
done. :)
Hey Carmi, I think there is a simile between the dented accessories of our lives and our own dented lives....
Very thought-provoking picture, honey :-)
too wide open a topic for me ... but... my first thought is the human spirit.
when we feel - we hurt, we get knocked around, and such is a given in life. joy is a reprive, but abides nonetheless...
Michele sent me.
not necessarily sweet but still here....and thats life I guess, a story of survival and shared experiences...
thats why perfect images aren't always the ones that speak to me...
hope you're having a good weekend, Katie
I think one of the things that I abuse the most is my cell phone- it gets dropped- left on the stove- tossed in my purse or on the console of my car- basically abused all day- every day.
I'm happy to report that my previous cell phone -(an LG 6100) which is my older daughter's now- was dropped in the tub & dried out with my hairdryer but never stopped working!
Michele sent me to say hello.
Myself, indeed the whole of humanity. But that that doesn't kill us...
Here from Michele's. This time.
The dents in my trumpets ; a daily reminder of where I come from and what I've accomplished...
Oh no... the knocks we get from life are what give us our unique patina,
our ability to rebound from the knocks to come, and the qualities that make others fall in love with us! Don't knock the knocks!
Great pic.....even though we still see them on tables in restaurants, they seem retro.
things that get knocked around? people........and we are more beautiful for the dents and wrinkles because of it.
I was talking to a friend today who has been away taking an immersion course in la belle province for the past 5 weeks. He was waxing poetic about how young everyone was, and how no one believed he was closing in on 50....and he doesn't really.....However, I just happened to take a few pictures of him working......and guess what? I caught him unawares....and looking beautifully dented and more handsome because of it. He of course would HATE the pics, so I think I'll hold onto them until he's closing in on 60 and will have a completely different perspective.
oh........guess what Carmi...Michele sent me and says hi......
but you know......I'm a bit of a groupie here, and would've been to visit no matter what.
ps. my home is always open.....Market tours, kid fun.....and lots of adult fun....don't forget Fraser. He's welcome too.
Carmi: A friend of mine operates a Pan Am Airlines memorabilia shop in Miami and her top seller from the airline is metal water pitchers with the airline logo. They have a few dents from flying "across the pond". This reminded me of that story. Great shot! :)
oh my goodness I'm back. Michele has a sense of humour tonight. hallway. After watching two kids grow from toddlerhood and two dogs who chased them endlessly, my hallway needs a little TLC. However, I look at the dents and scrapes and know how many wonderful winter evenings energy was burned up running and sliding up and down this hall.
sweetness in's always there... we sometimes we just have to take the time to taste it.
Michele and I say HI!
I think we all get knocked around sometimes, but it's how we handle things that make us what we are IMO.
Some get knocked around worse than others though!
Very cool.
Just look at any construction equipment. That stuff certainly wears it's daily scars with pride.
I treasure the furniture scratches, knicks and cracks, and circles left by a cup of hot chocolate. It makes me think of my children and it reminds me of how wonderfully chaotic they made our lives.
My grandbabies are only 9 months old, but I have a feeling (more of a hope) that they will add their own marks over the years.
Came by the way of Michele. I always enjoy my visits to your site.
Well as the wife of an antique restorer who always tries to leave a few of those dents and character building dings in things I can certainly relate.
Michele didn't send me I have just not been a very good visitor lately but am back to blogging somewhat regularly now ( hopefully lol)
short and insightful as always. brilliant work.
Michele sent me to say hello
My emotions. Sometimes it feels like I'm racing around on a roller coaster, especially this time of year...
It's gotta be my iBook G4. That and my trusty Minolta Maxxum. I expect these two pieces of techology to do their job at telling the world what I see. And to take the journey through my head....well a soul's gotta get a few dents in that process!
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