Quick timeout for some important geek-news. The World Wide Web is 16 years-old today (OMG, it can drive!)
On this day in 1991, Tim Berners-Lee told the world - actually, the folks who read the Usenet newsgroup alt.hypertext - that the first pages resulting from his WorldWideWeb projet were now publicly accessible. The rest, as they say, is history.
Your turn: Please share one thing about the Internet that has changed your life.
Links: Wired.com entry, Time article, Copy of original WWW posting from 1991.
1 day ago
pr0n! It has wasted many an hour of my life... three minutes at a time.
oh... and check my page for your award ;)
The internet has destroyed my life, and replaced it with something even better. Can anybody beat that?
Good evening, Carmi. Michele sent me this time, but usually I come here by myself.
there's no doubt about it: blogging has changed my life. i went through major depression about nine months ago, and i honestly wonder at times if i could have survived that time without the blogosphere - both writing in it and being supported by other writers. it's truly amazing, in my opinion.
I did a PhD which focused specifically on the impact and use of the Internet regarding a particular topic. (Yes, that's very vague, I know!)
The Internet has given me friends I'd never have otherwise. I can't imagine my life without my online friends in it!!
it lets me stay in touch with my family and childhood friends who are like thousands of miles away!!!
I am so much more in touch with my mom now... Thanks, Internet!
I have met cool people all over the country -- and the world! I've also wasted an unbelievable amount of time . . .
Hi Carmi- I used your ost as a jumping off point for one of my own. Thanks for the spark. I neeed it!
I cannot believe that it has only been 16 years. Of course the homework for my computer class at Purdue was written in punch cards.
The Internet has made my world both bigger and smaller -- and you have been part of that.
I started blogging because of a childhood friend, Jerry (Boone County, Indiana).
Through Jerry I "met" Rachel (Kentucky).
You, Carmi (Canada) read one of my comments on Rachel's blog and commented on mine (Indianapolis, Indiana).
I read a comment on your blog by Bella Rossa (Chicago).
Bella and I figured out that we are both from the same small town (Zionsville, Indiana) and attended the same church as children.
As Bella pointed out to me, it took a Canadian journalist to connect two Boone County women.
So, thanks Carmi-
I have to admit I do waste time on the internet but without it I wouldn't have a place to share my pictures with people around the world. For that I am grateful and the ability to stay in touch with family and friends. I can do it any time day or night and not disturb anyone.
Michele sent me to tell you that the tool that changed my view of the internet, way back when, was gopher: it was so much better than straight ftp: and then along came archie, which was much more graphical.
Then in August 93 I mentioned this at a wedding to someone I met: who turned out to be a sysadmin at UIUC, and she told me about mosaic: and that changed my life.
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