We interrupt discussion of Armageddon, Judgment Day, the Rapture, Harold Camping and his countless mindless followers to inform you that life on planet Earth continues as it has for billions of years, that the non-believers have not been shepherded to a hot, uncomfortable place and that a whole lot of so-called believers are going to spend the next few days explaining why their prophecy didn't come true.
Don't these people have anything better to do?
1 day ago
You do know that the likely excuse will be their prayers saved us all.
I have to agree w/Chibi...I remember when we had the 1994 Northridge earthquake.. My neighbor said (about the earthquake) " this is the rapture"..At 4 am we all looked at her like she was a loon. BTW she is a born-again and it seems the born agains/fundamentalists and the conspiracy theorists have this same thinking? That we are 'doomed'... Sad folks.
Or, like last time, that he read something wrong and it was simply a miscalculation. Honestly, I think that he's going to claim he forgot to take into account that ancient people read from right to left, not left to right, and the actual date really is 11/12/50.
We all died in the New Millenium too.
Well, it *is* kind of hot around here this weekend... but nothing a cold beer can't help make better.
I don't pretend to know when or if such an event might happen. I do try to live in such a way that I won't have regrets over my actions and behavior (and I'm sure I fail at that daily). I'm a big believer in mercy and grace.
And for the record, I don't know any Christians who believed that today was "it."
It's always the crazies that make the news.
Wait till 2012 is over with everyone hale and hearty. We'll have one more reason to be jubiliant :D
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