"The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
Albert Einstein
Sadly, we seem to be unable to learn from history. And we continue to stand by and do nothing while those who do evil slowly work to undermine life for the rest of us.
1 day ago
The ones who do something seem to get admonished and the ones who don't aren't admonished at all... I am in the minority where I will speak up if I see something wrong and the looks I get could kill a cat...
Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do. When you have to do something as a collective rather than an individual, it makes it very very hard.
yeah, there are always going to be those that look the other way...out of sight, out of mind'...whose sole purpose it seems is to do evil...
i like to think that for the most part, people are good...and are there for each other.
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