Monday, September 23, 2024

The magic of cooking oil and light

Soft glow in a rarely seen place
London, ON
September 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

The scene: we’re on a date in the grocery store.

That’s no typo. Dates can happen in a grocery store. Or any other place. Doesn’t have to be extraordinary. Because the ordinary is extraordinary. She is, too.

I’ve been tasked with piloting the cart. Which I’m doing rather inelegantly because, as usual, I’ve picked the loser cart, the one with janky wheels that pull it persistently to the right and sound like an angry squirrel.

And since I’m not really a decent cart driver to begin with, I run into difficulty while trying to avoid a speedwalking octogenarian and end up bumping it into the shelf just below the cooking oil section. Canola/olive oil bottles topple everywhere. It’s a culinary murder scene.

So as the speedwalking grandma disappears past the end caps filled with off-brand artisanal honey, I do my best store employee impression and attempt to reposition the bottles I’ve knocked over.

I stick my head into the shelving because, you know, I’m an idiot. And in doing so, I notice the lovely light being cast through the bottles facing the aisle.

So I take a stupid picture because why not? I don’t think speedwalking grandma is coming back, and I have to find some way, any way, to remember the moment when I found something remarkable in an ordinary place.

Remember what we said earlier about ordinary?

Soon enough I rejoin my lovely wife and we head for the checkout. The story of my cooking oil misadventure will be a fun one to share on the way home.

End scene.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #grocery #store #shelf #sobeys #shopping #retail #random #stilllife #photography #apple #iphone #iphone16 #shotoniphone #photography

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