Marching to his own drummer
Pompano Beach, FL, December 2011
About this photo: Thematic explores single people this week. Not sure what all of this is about? Click here and all - okay, most - will be explained.
Sometimes you come across someone so different from the norm that you just have to stop whatever you're doing and watch him slide on by. Which is exactly what I did as this rather unique man made his way past me.
He wasn't walking as much as he was dancing, waving his arms in wide, opposing circles as if he was doing the front crawl through the air. He wasn't saying anything, but he seemed happy, free, like he didn't much care whether anyone thought he was nuts.
Which made me smile. Because if you're happy in your own skin and your conduct doesn't hurt anyone else, then more power to you. Maybe we'd all be better off if we followed this guy's lead.
Your turn: How do you cut loose?
Your kind visit yesterday added an irreplaceable element to my day: YOU!
Thanks pal
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
This could be one of my relatives! Ha ha, although not this one, but they have been known to behave much like this on occasion! They live in Pompano Beach and Dania Beach just a few miles apart from each other. The ocean brings out the joy in people don't you think!
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