Don't have a whole lot of time because the seder is about to start, so this quick capture from my BlackBerry will have to do.
It's our first Passover without my dad, and as I came home to find a lovingly set table, I instantly thought back to a similar moment years ago when a 13-year-old me was about to start my first seder without my maternal grandfather.
He meant the world to me, and his loss was significant enough that months later, I didn't want to celebrate the holiday, didn't want to sing, didn't want to imagine the evening without his voice and humor.
But we muddled through then, and we'll muddle through now. My mom - Bubby in the placecard above - is here. The kids have been excitedly counting the days to her arrival, and now that she's here, they're knocking themselves out showing her everything they've done and made over the winter. We'll do what we can to surround her with a somewhat changed experience. Life goes on. With difficulty. But it does go on. Somehow.
If you're celebrating, chag sameach to you and your entire mishpacha. Even if you're not, may you always be surrounded by those who matter most.
Your turn: What do you wish for as spring slowly returns us to life?
7 hours ago
May you and your family have a wonderful seder and Passover celebration. Holidays hurt beccause we're reminded of the good times, but it's also a healthy time to be together and to lean on one another.
Life is good here. Life on the sailboat is really good. people around me are aging, but i just keep getting younger. May the Almighty bless your gathering, abundantly.
chag sameach, Carmi! I survived -- and even had fun -- at seder with the outlaws. Even wished we could have stayed longer.
Now, time to go load up on celery and lots of fiber to counteract all that matzah that lies ahead...
Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday. Though he is gone, you have so many wonderful memories to share.
We are about to celebrat the first anniversary since I lost my pregnant wife... It is going to be particularly hard as I will not even be in the country on the day, but instead on the opposite side of the planet in Paris. I will be with her parents though on the day (and my mum) and we will be visiting Notre Dame Cathederal to light a candle in memory.
It is tough, but for me, ALL of the first's are nearly done; not that it makes it any easier...
Stay srong my friend...
Celebrate the good memories, Carmi. I suspect he will know.
happy passover..
good food looks even better when served in majestic table settings and serving tray
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