“In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.”Your turn: Does it?
Isaac Asimov
9 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
“In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.”Your turn: Does it?
Isaac Asimov
It certainly does go on...its how it is handled with the ones who are left.
and often times after checkmate of life you find yourself standing and are the one and only person responsible and willing to carry you through on your own direction, without for instance the aid of oh lets say an unwilling GM or director who would rather look the other way than do anything...those are the days you stand still and know the battle is yours to win....
It absolutely does. Nine-tenths of life is part AFTER checkmate.
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