My latest column for the London Free Press, Lend helping hands in flu fight, was published in Wednesday's paper. I would have posted this on Wednesday, but as you've seen from my earlier post, I was busy learning the dynamic handling limits of a wheeled hospital bed. End result: not very impressive.
Thematically, the article matches much of what people have been talking about lately.
As the flu season approaches, my tolerance for those who don't take the time to protect themselves - and by extension, those around them, and us - from unnecessary exposure to illness decreases rapidly. Beyond the non-handwashers in the bathroom, I'll also lump in the heroes who just have to come into work to show how dedicated they are despite the ooze dripping from their noses.
Yes, so heroic that they've now guaranteed I'll be enjoying my very own vicious head cold within the next few days.
There really is no nice way to deal with these folks, but deal with them we must.
23 hours ago
All the sick kids come to school too, because their parents have to go to work.
Eeeewww. I hate flu season! Everyone in our department will pass around the flu all winter. Sharing is caring! It's really too bad that the corporate behemoth likes to take you to task for the amount of sick days that you've taken. Perhaps that's why they have corporate flu shot day. No sickies allowed!
Eeeewww. I hate flu season! Everyone in our department will pass around the flu all winter. Sharing is caring! It's really too bad that the corporate behemoth likes to take you to task for the amount of sick days that you've taken. Perhaps that's why they have corporate flu shot day. No sickies allowed!
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