As much as I like to hide behind the pen, it still thrills me that people actually want to read what I write. That they voluntarily take time out of their day to experience my words is a pretty heady experience for me. It never gets old.
Which explains why I added a little statistics-gathering tool to my blog. If you look over on the right and scroll down a screen or two (or three, depending on what kind of computer you're using) you'll see a rectagular button that says "Site Meter". If you click on it, you'll see how many folks read me in a given day. Average traffic typically ranges around 30. If you dig a bit deeper, you can tell where all these folks are coming from by clicking on the Domain link.
Frighteningly, today's statistics indicate 14% - the biggest group - are visiting from a certain organization which may or may not have employed me in the not-too-distant past. At said organization works one person who recently toiled long and hard to have me banned from the building because of worries that my presence would negatively impact productivity (yes, you heard it here first: I'm a productivity-killer. The shame!)
I referred to the original incident in an earlier post - Carmi the Security Threat - and may eventually turn it into a comedy routine. It's all rather amusing, given the fact that so many of my former colleagues now enjoy my writings in this new medium. So much for the productivity argument, then.
Welcome aboard, Lifers. It's wonderful to have you along on my journey.
(And, no, I'm not typically this combative. In fact, I'm about as easygoing as they come. But when small-minded people run smack into my black-and-white sense of right and wrong - which mixes into the whole freedom-of-expression/journalist thing - I get my dander up. And my dander is not pretty.)
23 hours ago
30, huh? That's about how many I get in a day. One of your 30 is me, most days.
Anyway, sorry that you're a security threat. Did you threaten to sell all the military/industrial secrets to the commies or the islamic extremists?
I'm a known rabble-rouser, but that's just 'cuz we don't get paid for what we do. You'd think that I was asking for us to dunk the kids in boiling oil when I ask if we'll get paid for extra duties like tutoring after school.
Good job, Carmi. They are *so* busted.
Shh don't let the lukers know about the meters. If the people knew that I know that they are reading there would be an expctation of a change in content to change their sensibilites. This way they can pretend they dont know and "spy" and I can write whatever I want about em guilt free.
That's terrible that your old employer is stalking you -shame on them!
I try to visit your blog most days if I get the time. I find it so interesting because not only do you write well, but you write about a variety of different things!
Oh, and you have a good sense of humour as well. What more could a reader ask for??!
My dear, dear Carmi! My sympathies are with you my brother! Seriously though, I suppose that's what we get for being who we are. I've probably been branded a troublemaker now too since I actually enjoy your visits! More 'inter-personal improvement' courses for me then... I wonder if they're threatened because we actually liked working for you and morale has, quite frankly, sucked since you left.
I feel sorry for the person who felt it necessary to have you banned from the building. They must lead a very unfulfilled life. Let me know the next time you feel like popping by and I'll tell everyone to meet out front!
Thanks, everyone, for being so cool about my little dust-up. I usually do my best to avoid any kind of attention. The more I can fade into the background, the better I can observe and comment on what I see around me. It's how I write best, and when I heard I was the object of some very undeserved attention by former leaders who for a very long time pretended to be my friend, I was more than a little disappointed.
But hey, life goes on, and we've all had a great laugh at these morons' expense. I have every intention of visiting said building whenever I darn well wish (I am, after all, a client), and anyone who seeks to call my integrity into question can pretty much count on a slightly blurred version of him/herself getting skewered in some future writing of mine.
As for all of you who so willingly support my chaotic writing efforts, I appreciate your support more than words can say. I hope I always manage to bring a smile to your lives as you have done to mine. Now let's go write more good stuff, k?
It's nice to see a well-written and amusing blog out here -- but now I feel subversive for reading this one :)
i'm in. i love being a contrarian.
Dear Sir
Not only are you a productivity threat to This Company, you are a security threat to this nation and obviously also a conduit for disinformation from left wing radical free thinking agitators. Please cease and desist from doing whatever it is that caused all this ruckus or I will be forced to hold my breath until I turn blue.
The Management
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