"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip."Your turn: So is your glass half-full or half-empty? How so?
Daniel L. Reardon
Weekend Update, March 29th
17 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
I use to be the 'half empty' person, nowadays its 'half full'... Age, experience changes a person..
I think it takes less energy to be optimistic than it does to be down at the mouth about everything. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Given our times, am glad that there is the glass in the glass in the first place !
Used to be half empty... I was prone to see mostly what was missing... then I hit 40... LOL! Now I choose to see and enjoy what is and that is definitely a better ride! Amazing what can be revealed if you stay present! My kids were great teachers in this respect! :)
Funny I've always been pretty much a half full kind of person....but lately the glass is changing to fit the half empty kind of world...I know best get out start being silly or take some silly photos anyway! ;)
I read this a few days ago. I'm a huge optimist.
And my glass is completely full :P
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